About Us
Training activities cover the tasks related to the certification, approval and surveillance of training organisations (or schools) and training programmes. These tasks include:
- Studying the PEL training standards and making the necessary recommendations for improvement of domestic and foreign training programmes and oversight;
- Developing and executing plans for the surveillance of different aviation training activities;
- Reviewing training curricula and programmes submitted for approval;
- Approving training organisations and training sections at operational and maintenance organisations, air traffic control units;
- Qualifying flight simulation training devices, conducting their recurrent evaluations and authorising their use for defined training tasks;
- Exercising continued surveillance of approved training organisations, in cooperation with other Contracting States as necessary;
Aviation Training Organisations
South African Aviation Training Organisations Scamming Alert
Prospective students from all over the world are being scammed by unscrupulous persons in South Africa. The scams involve tricking students into paying over funds to undergo training at Aviation Training Organisations (ATOs) allegedly holding approvals granted by the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA).
Advertising of ATO services are typically conducted through the newspaper advertisements or through the internet. Popular advertisements include the lure of completing an aircraft type rating, followed by an employment contract as a First Officer or Flight Attendant on a named airline.
Enquiries about these advertisements invariably are followed up by a request to deposit funds (normally in US dollars or Euros) into a named bank account. Some scammers have even requested money to be sent through “Cash Send” services available through most ATM services.
When responding to an advertisement for a particular training service, please request the training service provider to supply you with a copy of its approved ATO certificate as well as a copy of its approved Training Operations Specification (Opspec). The Opspec issued by the SACAA will list the training that has been approved for the particular ATO. You are then invited to verify the authenticity of the supplied documentation with the SACAA by sending an email to
Note – in the subject line of the email, please insert “VERIFICATION OF ATO CERTIFICATE AND OPSPEC“.
Prospective students are advised to exercise caution and carry out due diligence (especially where promises of employment are included) before committing to any financial arrangement, as the SACAA is not able to assist in any way with persons that have been scammed.
“If it sounds too good to be true, then it is probably not true!”
Training Organisation Information
- For enquiry regarding a particular Aviation Training Organisation (ATO) / Declared Training Organisation (DTO), please send your enquiry to Categorise your email in the “SUBJECT” box of the mail, by starting with the name of the ATO, or its trading name, the ATO approval number (if available), then the nature of the email
- Before you choose an aviation training school, see our Guidance document on how to choose the right one.
Aviation Training Organisations Start-Up Information
For any additional queries, please contact
The SACAA welcomes professional aviation competition which is encouraged to improve productivity towards flight safety in South Africa. Contained herein is some information with regards to the new ATO application and the 5-phase process.
The 21st amendment to the Civil Aviation Regulations as contained in the Government Gazette No 11359 Vol 677 of 15 November 2021 No 45491contains a complete replacement of the Part 141 regulations and the amendment of SA CATS 2/2021 dated 5 Nov 2021 completely replaces SA-CATS 141.
We have a five-phase process in place for the ATO Application and Certification as follows:
- Pre-application phase. During this phase a Prospective Aviation Training Organisation Pre-Assessment Statement of Intent (POPS) is filled in. The SACAA (PEL Training) will schedule a pre-application meeting with the prospective ATO applicant and the selected SACAA team leader.
As a prerequisite to the approval process, (Initial Approval), an ATO shall demonstrate that it is staffed, equipped, financially resourced and shall be operated in a manner conducive to achieving the required standards SA-CARS 141.01.2 (1), SA-CARS 141.01.6(3)(a) and SA-CATS 141.
An additional regulatory change indicates that an application shall only be considered if the local municipality, land owner or airport licence holder, has given written consent for the establishment of a new ATO, taking into consideration available facilities and in the case of flight training, air traffic volumes.
- Application Phase. During this phase, the application and payment is made to and for which an invoice is receipted. A client requiring an invoice to be receipted must follow the communication protocol as shown on our website (and shown below). No services are to be delivered without payment of the application fee. . The Scheduling of Events are discussed. The Training and Procedures Manual (TPM) and other Manuals control roster is created and discussed.
- Document and Evaluation Phase. All Manuals and relevant application forms are checked and approved. Refer SA-CATS 141 and Refer SA-CATS Part 140 (structure of the Safety Management Manual).
- Demonstration and Inspection Phase. The physical audit is carried out on the facilities, together with all operational requirements such as Management responsibility, Quality Management, Training, Student records, Instructor records, Incident reporting, Emergency response plan, Infrastructure and all SACAA publications.
- Certification Phase. The audit report is generated, the recommendations are made for the issue of the ATO certificate. The Manager Personnel Licensing: Training reviews and approves the documentation. All other documents to be reviewed and confirmed by the SACAA internal Consistency and Standardisation Department. The ATO Certificate together with the Training Operations Specification Certificate (Opspec) for the type of training is issued with its own confidential serial number. The Senior Manager Personnel Licensing reviews the certification documents and approves the Opspec. Thereafter the ATO Certificate is signed by the Executive: Air Safety Operations. That concludes the process.
Experience has shown that the 5 Phase process generally takes between 6 and 9 months to complete.
Please take note of the applicable fees currently in force – see regulation 187.01.34. Updated and current fees can be found by visiting the Fees page.
Please note the following:
The regulations governing Aviation Training Organisations are contained in the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011 (As amended) SA-CAR Part 141 and the Civil Aviation Technical Standards SA-CATS Part 141. These can be found on the home page of the SACAA website.
Please take note that urgent training notices are published on the CAA website. See also the link for forms that are in use for ATOs.
ICAO Document 9841 Third Edition dated 2018 – Manual on the Approval of Training Organisations is the latest publication which provides guidance for the development of regulations for the approval of an ATO.
Chapter 1 Para 1.2.2 of Document 9841 states: “In all cases, ATOs require an accountable executive who is the final authority on decisions that may impact upon the continued suitability of the organisation to deliver training to aviation personnel for licensing purposes.”
Due to the fact mentioned above, the SACAA informs all prospective clients that they are solely responsible for communication with the SACAA. The applicant may make use of a consultant to assist and guide them, however, the consultant is not a client of the SACAA and therefore communication on the application and certification process shall remain between the SACAA and its prospective client.
Having read the information above and having referred to the necessary regulations and applicable fees and wishing to continue with the process, contact us on and a meeting will be set up with an inspector. Please state in your email what training you wish to provide e.g. Dangerous Good (DG); Private Pilot (PPL), Remote Pilot Licence (RPAS), National Pilot Licence (NPL), Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME), Cabin Safety etc, etc
Please do not submit any forms or make any payments at this stage.
Please send an email, using the following information:
- Email address:
- Topic: NEW ATO START-UP FOR (insert the name of your prospective ATO)
- Declaration:
- I have read the information of the SACAA website with respect to a new ATO start-up.
- I confirm that I have studied the necessary Part 141 regulations and technical standards
- I am aware of the current fees, as contained in CAR 187.01.34.
- I wish to continue with the process and request a meeting with a PEL Inspector for the purpose of being an aviation training organisation for the following aspects:
- Insert training (e.g. DG)
- Insert training (e.g. PPL)
Please take note of the communication protocol for PEL Training published on our website for several years now and repeated below.
All ATO correspondence is to be addressed to and no manager, administrator or inspector is to be emailed directly.
- Please take note of how the subject line of email correspondence should be addressed – Subject – “Insert name of your ATO and Trading as name” – SACAA “Insert approval number” CAA – “Insert nature of the request being made or the matter being addressed”
This is a centralised mailbox and correspondence needs to be easily identifiable in order to provide a more efficient service. There are over 240 ATOs making use of this inbox and we need to identify what we are dealing with without first having to open the email or attached documents.
Flight Simulator Training Device Start-Up Information
For any additional queries, please contact
The SACAA welcomes professional aviation competition which is encouraged to improve productivity towards flight safety in South Africa. Contained herein is some information with regards to a new FSTD application and the process involved.
The 21st amendment to the Civil Aviation Regulations as contained in the Government Gazette No 11359 Vol 677 of 15 November 2021 No 45491contains a complete replacement of the Part 60 regulations and the amendment of SA CATS 2/2021 dated 5 Nov 2021 completely replaces SA-CATS 60.
This document is aimed at Start-up of an FSTD operation, all descriptions made refer to the Initial Qualification of an FSTD.
Question | Answer |
Can an FSTD be Certified in South Africa? | No, worldwide the term “Qualification” is used instead of “Certification” of an FSTD. |
Who may apply for FSTD Qualification? | Only an ATO may apply for the Qualification of an FSTD, it is not possible to apply for FSTD Qualification if not through an ATO, regardless of whether one is the owner of the device or not. |
What happens when the ATO Certificate or Operations Specification expires, but the FSTD Qualification Certificate is current? | The Qualification Certificates are only valid if the ATO Certificate and Ops Spec are valid. |
When may an ATO apply for FSTD Qualification? | An ATO may apply once the proposed device has been installed, is functioning to design specification and has been evaluated by an ATO designated team of experts to comply with all requirements as prescribed in SACAA-FSTD A (For Aeroplanes) or SACAA-FSTD H (For Helicopters), |
Will an FSTD automatically receive qualification based on manufacturer recommendation, previous qualification held, or Foreign Authority approval held? | No, SACAA does an independent evaluation of the FSTD. If the manufacturer has built the device to a specific level of functioning, SACAA will confirm that the device does indeed meet the criteria as detailed in SACAA-FSTD A or SACAA-FSTD H as applicable. |
How can I assure that, prior to purchasing an FSTD, the device will be guaranteed to receive SACAA Qualification? | There are simply no guarantees, other than using SACAA-FSTD A or SACAA-FSTD H as applicable and confirming that each criterion for the qualification level sought has been met. |
Where do I start? | Make email contact with the SACAA Part 60 Department via an email introduction (in the format used for ATO contact, see communication protocol later in this document) by emailing An inspector will contact you and assist where possible to reach the formal application stage. |
Can SACAA do a pre-purchase evaluation of an FSTD for me? | No, SACAA does not evaluate devices in any other way than described below. |
After receiving compliant written application, SACAA will follow a 3-part approach in order to evaluate a device. A device cannot receive qualification if all 3 parts are not compliant. Here follows the parts:
- Objective Evaluation: During the objective evaluation, the FSTD Qualification Test Guides are interrogated to prove compliance with SACAA-FSTD A criteria or SACAA-FSTD H as applicable. This part of the evaluation compares the expected objective performance of the device as tabled by the manufacturer, to the actual performance achieved during objective testing; referred to as running of the QTG. Inspectors will oversee a portion of the QTG being run and may ask for the running of additional QTG to substantiate observations raised whilst scrutinising the previously run results. Evaluation of the QTG also entails comparing the results against maximum deviation tolerances, which are prescribed in SACAA-FSTD A or SACAA-FSTD H as applicable.
- Subjective Evaluation: During the subjective evaluation, the performance of the device is measured during a fly-out. SACAA may conduct the fly-out or require rated crew to be arranged by the ATO; this depends on the complexity and the type of device under scrutiny. Depending on the qualification level sought, this is where checklists and crew flows are conducted to test conformance. The handling characteristics and aerodynamic behaviour of the device is under scrutiny, be that to be class representative or up to type specific requirements, again dependant on level of qualification sought. During the subjective evaluation the “Training Credits” appropriate for the device will be determined and verified. All subjective criteria are contained in SACAA-FSTD A or SACAA-FSTD H as applicable.
- FSTD Quality System: During assessment of the FSTD Quality System focus is placed on the organisations approach to and evaluation of maintaining an acceptable level of performance of the FSTD. Aspects like FSTD documentation, maintenance outcomes, general device condition and the state of the surrounding area are some of the matters evaluated. The ATO is expected to conduct their own oversight of the device, this is normally contained within the FSTD Quality System. There is a requirement to conduct specific quarterly FSTD oversight tasks by the Operator, this is assessed, and feedback is provided to Management of the ATO. Requirements for the FSTD Quality System can be found in SACAA-FSTD A or SACAA-FSTD H as applicable.
- Application: Use the official application form from our website as well as to draft the letter of application as found in SACAA-FSTD A or SACAA-FSTD H as applicable. A compliant letter of application needs to be lodged with SACAA at least 3 months prior to the expected evaluation date.
Again, bear in mind that the compliant application must be received at least 3 months prior to the commencement of the FSTD evaluation.
Experience has shown that the SACAA 3 Part process generally takes between 3 and 5 days to complete (per operating model or variant of the device). Expected evaluation time is greatly dependant on the complexity of the device.
On completion of a successful evaluation expect to receive the Qualification Certificates after approximately 4 weeks.
Until the introduction of a Part 60 Fee structure under Part 187, all invoicing happens on completion of the evaluation, based on hours spent on task. Also, until the introduction of a specific Fee structure, invoicing occurs in accordance with SACAR Part 187.01.45 (a) which stipulates an hourly rate for services rendered for which no specific fee has been set out in Part 187.
The regulations governing FSTD Operators are contained in the The South African Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011 (As amended) SACAR Part 60, the South African Civil Aviation Technical Standards SA-CATS 60 and the FSTD Technical Qualification documents SACAA-FSTD A and SACAA-FSTD H. . These can be found on the home page of the SACAA website.
* Take note that new regulations and technical standards are due to be promulgated soon These new regulations and technical standards will completely replace current SACAR Part 60 of the regulations and introduce SA-CATS 60. This information page will be updated when the new regulations are promulgated.
Please take note of the communication protocol for PEL FSTD published on our website for several years now and repeated below.
All FSTD correspondence is to be addressed to and no manager, administrator or inspector is to be emailed please.
- Please take note of how the subject line of email correspondence should be addressed – Subject – “Insert name of your ATO and Trading as name” – SACAA “Insert approval number” CAA – “Insert nature of the request being made or the matter being addressed”.
This is a centralised mailbox and correspondence needs to be easily identifiable in order to provide a more efficient service. There are over 40 ATOs making use of this inbox for over 140 FSTD and we need to identify what we are dealing with without first having to open the email or attached documents.
Flight Simulation Training Devices (ATO)
List of Remote Pilot Aviation Training Organisations
Information for Cabin Aviation Training Organisations
- SACAA CATS Part 64 AMOC Guidance Training Material
- Also see form CA 141-42 (Checklist for ATO Cabin Crew Training Manual) by clicking on the Part 141 – ATO Forms link to at the bottom of this page.
Urgent Notices
Training Procedures Manual Compliance
This general notice serves to inform industry of the minimum compliance standard for a Training Procedures Manual (TPM). Click here to see the notice.
Notice of Extension
Extension of General Exemption in respect of the Initial Cabin Crew Training and/or Testing. Read the notice here…
General Notice
To read a Notice of approval of extension of general exemption from compliance with the provision of Part 64.02.2 and 64.02.3(1) and 64.02.4 of the SACATS, click here.
General Notice # PEL-2023/ATO 002 – ATO Licensing Applications and the Use of Old Approval Numbers
Click here to read the notice that serves to address and clarify the use of ATO legal entity names, Trading As names, old ATO approval numbers and the approval numbers assigned since 1 April 2019.
General Notice – Terminology Changes Relating to Drone Training
To read General Notice # PEL-2023 ATO 001, relating to drone training terminology changes, click here.
General Notice – Skills Tests
Withdrawal of General Notice # PEL – 2020/005 that relates to flight tests or checks conducted during the Covid-19 lockdown. Click here to read more.
General Notice – Radio Telephony Operator’s Certificate and Radio Telephony Examiners
The purpose of this General Notice is to afford affected industry members the opportunity to comply with the content of the AIC 009/2021. Click here to read the notice.
Reduced fidelity level of FSTD’s due to insufficient electrical supply or any other event that affects the fidelity of the device
This notice is applicable to all Aviation Training Organisations (ATO) and Air Operator Certificate holders (AOC) conducting training on FSTD’s in terms of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011 (As amended). Click here to read the full notice.
Unauthorised Flipping Operations at an ATO or DTO
This Notice serves to address and clarify the use of air experience flight (introductory flights) for the purpose of enrolling as a student at a flight school to receive training towards the issuance of a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) a National Pilot Licence (NPL) or a Glider Pilot Licence (GPL). Click here to read the full notice.
Declared Training Organisation
The updated attached General Notice serves to address ATOs holding an RAA approval. Please click here to find out more.
Third-Party FSTD User Certificate Approvals
This notice is applicable to all Aviation Training Organisations (ATO) conducting training on FSTD’S as third-party users in terms of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011 (As amended). Please click here to read more.
Declared Training Organisations
This notice is applicable to all Aviation Training Organisations (ATO) approved in terms of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011 (As amended) who wish to convert to a Declared Training Organisation (DTO) as regulated by SACAR 141 Subpart 8 contained in the 21st Amendment to the regulations. Please click here to read more.
ATO TPM Compliance
This General Notice serves to address the amendment procedure for compliance of ATO TPM approved in terms of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011 (As amended). Please see the attachment to read more
Sale or Transfer of Ownership of Aviation Training Organisations
Click here to read more about the sale or transfer of ownership of Aviation Training Organisations
Notice Regarding the Lodging Of ASO-related Complaints
The SACAA has established a special Team to manage and track client queries that have exceeded the service level standards’ timelines. Please see the attachment to read more.
Virtual Training
Please see the attachment to read a notice relating to virtual training.
Aviation Training Scam Alert – be cautious
The South African Civil Aviation Authority (“SACAA”) has received reports of scams where fictitious organisations pose as approved aviation training organisations to the public.
There are numerous advertisements on social media and in publications such as Junk Mail and Gumtree where employment opportunities such as cabin safety attendants are offered. An applicant would be required to complete an application form in order to undergo training and this form must be accompanied by proof of a deposit to be paid in at a retailer such as PEP Stores or Ackermans. These are also a SCAM.
There are also advertisements from organisations without approval, offering aviation training to obtain pilot licenses and ratings. South African Flight Training Academy (with approval number CAA/0271) is one such organisation, which advertises its services, which was closed down by the SACAA years ago.
Please take note that aviation training must be conducted under the auspices of a SACAA approved Aviation Training Organisation (“ATO”). The approval must be granted in terms of the South African Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011 and associated Technical Standards. It is an offence to advertise aviation training without proper approval and displaying the SACAA approval number.
When considering training with a service provider, please ask for proof of the SACAA approval. You can also verify approved service providers by contacting the SACAA.
As some training organisations cease operations and new entrants come, an up-to-date verification of the training approval can be sent by email to In the subject line of your email, please use “VERIFICATION OF TRAINING APPROVAL”
Inappropriate Qualification of Flight Simulation Devices and Credits to FSTDS
Please click here to read a notice relating to inappropriate qualification of flight simulation training devices and award of training credits to FSTDS.
Pilot Aptitude Testing
An argument often raised by training providers is that training itself constitutes the most realistic assessment and selection platform. But failure costs mount as the student progresses into the training. Also, the argument itself is not supported by facts, as selection during the training process generates low values of predictive validity. Flight instructors may be able to judge specific flying skills or competencies of a candidate over time but due to the variable nature of multiple factors in this approach, a standardized assessment is difficult to produce. Frequent instructor changes and insufficient instructor experience and training in aptitude testing make it impossible to reliably diagnose important measuring dimensions such as personality traits, socio-interactive abilities and basic or specific mental abilities.
Many cadets manage to get a license despite some challenges during training, and as their flying experience increases, they learn to compensate for their weaknesses in normal operations. However, their deficiencies may resurface (several deficiencies may even compound or overlap) when the pilot encounters complex challenging situations with high performance demand, especially during times of fatigue and stress. The more reliable and cost-effective solution is to perform professional aptitude testing for candidates prior to the start of their training.
Below find guidance material for consideration. ATO’s and Operators are invited to give feedback regarding their experiences, concerns or suggestions.
Enquiry Details
General Information
- In general, please allow for at least 7 working days for a response to your email.
- All correspondence with respect to SACAA ATO approvals should be directed to
- All correspondence with respect to SACAA FSTD qualifications should be directed to
- Please do not send documents directly to the PEL Training manager, a PEL inspector or PEL administrator.
- Foreign training approvals is a function of Examinations. Contact the manager examinations: No requests for foreign training approvals, licensing or examination enquiries will be dealt with by the Training Section.
Please note is a centralized email account. To facilitate an effective service, please see the guidance below:
- Categorise your email in the “SUBJECT” box of the mail, by starting with the name of the ATO, its trading name, the ATO approval number, then the nature of the email.
- Examples-
- Subject – “Insert name of your ATO and Trading as name” – SACAA “Insert approval number” ATO – Application for annual renewal
- Subject – GENERAL ENQUIRY – New training school start-up
- Any attachments should be easily identifiable and saved in a logical fashion
- Examples-
- Renewal – SACAA “Insert approval number” of ATO – Date “Insert date e.g. 20.12.2021” [Renewal SACAA 1XXX ATO 20.12.2021.pdf]
- POP Renewal – SACAA “Insert approval number” CAA – Date “Insert date e.g. 20.12.2021” – [POP Renewal SACAA 1XXX ATO 20.12.2021.pdf]
Annual Renewal
- The 21st amendment to the Civil Aviation Regulations as contained in the Government Gazette No 11359 Vol 677 of 15 November 2021 No 45491 contains a complete replacement of the Part 141 regulations and the amendment of SA CATS 2/2021 dated 5 Nov 2021 completely replaces SA-CATS 141. CAR 141 Subpart 8 deals with a Declared Training Organisation (DTO).
- All approved ATOs are to complete Form CA 141-04 and submit together with proof of payment in terms of CAR 187.01.34 (c) and (d) to Please ensure that the completed application form reaches this office not later than 30 days before the annual anniversary date of the expiry date on your current ATO Certificate.
- All approved DTOs are to complete Form CA 141-05 and submit together with proof of payment in terms of CAR 187.01.34 (j) and (l) to Please ensure that the completed application form reaches this office not later than 30 days before the annual anniversary date of the expiry date on your current ATO Certificate.
- All approved FSTDs are to complete Form CA 60-01 and submit together with proof of payment in terms of CAR 187.01.9A to Please ensure that the completed application form reaches this office not later than 30 days before the annual anniversary date of the expiry date on your current FSTD Certificate.
- Documents to be handed in or sent by courier for processing will not be accepted. All clients are to submit documents electronically in PDF format.
Inclusion of aircraft on Opspec
Please note that if the addition of aircraft is requested for inclusion on the Opspec of an ATO and that aircraft does not reflect on our electronic system, that there will be a 14 working days delay in processing, as the aircraft is not registered on the “SACAA Electronic System” and we will have to forward your application and associated documents to “Aircraft Registry”. As a result, please make sure that your application and associated documents are submitted electronically. We can only process your application once the aircraft is registered on the system.
Aircraft will not be added onto an Opspec until such time that “Aircraft Registry” has brought the SACAA Electronic system up to date.
Validity of Licensing Forms Submitted to the SACAA
Users of SACAA published Licensing forms as listed on the SACAA website are to ensure that the latest version of the form is submitted to Licensing for processing. Please check the date on the bottom of the form.
Forms submitted for processing that have a version that pre-dates the form listed on the CAA website by 30 days or more or has a date that is in excess of 30 days or more of the date of the form listed on the CAA website will be rejected for processing.
Personnel Licensing Forms
Category | Title | Description | File |
Part 60 Forms – FSTD | CA 60-01 | Application for Qualification of FSTD | Download 185 kb |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-36 | DTO Training Program – Hang and Paragliding | Download 1046 kb |
Part 60 Forms – FSTD | CA 60-02 | FNPT and BITD Checklist | Download 354 kb |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-37 | Gliding TMG and Instuctors (Word) | Download 1046 kb |
Part 60 Forms – FSTD | CA 60-04 | FFS Level ABCD Checklist | Download 649 kb |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-37 | Gliding TMG and Instuctors | Download 1046 kb |
Part 60 Forms – FSTD | CA 60-08 | FSTD Desktop Evaluation Checklist | Download 260 kb |
Part 60 Forms – FSTD | CA 60-09 | FTD Checklist | Download 391 kb |
Part 60 Forms – FSTD | CA 60-11 | FFS Level C D UPRT Checklist | Download |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-39 | DTO Training Program – Training Syllabus LSA and CCM Licence (Word) | Download 1911 kb |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-38 | DTO Training Program – Training Syllabus WCM Licence (Word) | Download 1663 kb |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-36 | DTO Training Program – Hang and Paragliding (Word) | Download 1046 kb |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-40 | DTO Training Program – Gyrocopter and Instructors (Word) | Download 832 kb |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-35 | Application for Approval of DTO | Download 1663 kb |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-35 | Application for Approval of DTO (Word) | Download 1663 kb |
Part 60 Forms – FSTD | CA 60-03 | Application for FSTD User Certificate | Download 176 kb |
TGM | TGM DTO Procedures Manual | TGM Declared Training OrganisationProcedures Manual | Download 1663 kb |
TGM | TGM For An ATO | TGM for an ATO Quality Assurance and Quality System | Download 1663 kb |
TGM | TGM For An ATO | TGM 5 Phase Certification Process ATOs | Download 1663 kb |
Part 141 Forms – ATO | CA 141-42 | Checklist for ATO Cabin Crew Training Manual | Download 173 kb |
TGM | TGM For Helicopter FSTD’s | TGM Type Specific Approval for Helicopter FNPT II or II MCC FSTD | Download 1663 kb |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-38 | DTO Training Program – Training Syllabus WCM Licence | Download 1663 kb |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-39 | DTO Training Program – Training Syllabus LSA and CCM Licence | Download 1911 kb |
Part 141 Forms – DTO | CA 141-40 | DTO Training Program – Gyrocopter and Instructors | Download 832 kb |
Part 141 Forms – ATO | CA 141-04 | Application for Approval of ATO | Download 242 kb |
Part 141 Forms – ATO | CA 141-24 | Application for Inclusion of Aircraft on ATO | Download 171 kb |
Part 60 Forms – FSTD | CA 60-05 | Helicopter FNPT I_II_IIMCC Checklist | Download 434 kb |
Part 141 Forms – ATO | CA 141-27 | Removal of Aircraft on ATO | Download 115 kb |
Part 141 Forms – ATO | CA 141-29 | Application for Approval of a Financial Business Plan for a new ATO | Download 173 kb |