Accidents and Incidents

Understanding the Mandate of the Accident and Incident Investigations Division

Priorities for investigating

The AIID’s primary purpose is on enhancing safety through investigation of aviation accidents and incidents with the aim to prevention recurrence, and it is not in our mandate to establish blame or liability.

In addition, the AIID has observed that many occurrences involve repetition of past occurrences where the contributing factors are similar and the safety issues are well known. In these circumstances, the likely safety benefits and lessons may not always justify allocating significant resources. In those cases, the AIID may undertake a limited fact-gathering investigation or not to investigate, if so, Most of these occurrences are captured in our data base and used for trends monitoring and data analysis. Equally, there is often as much or more to be learned from incidents and hazards as there is from accidents and where appropriate, the AIID will give priority to these sorts of investigation.

The AIID decides based on the information available at the time of the accident whether to investigate or not. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that all reporters give as much details as possible when reporting an occurrence. The following broad categories of aviation occurrences (as indicated on the chart below), which reflect the priorities described above, must be taken into account when deciding whether to investigate and when determining the level of investigation response.

To be able to define the size and scope of an investigation the different types of accident and incidents could be categorised in the following manner:

Category Circumstance
A report of an occurrence that suggests that a safety issue may exist should be investigated immediately. Investigation may lead to the identification of the safety issue, including its significance, and provide the justification for safety action and/ or safety recommendations.
A report of an occurrence that may not warrant a full investigation but which would benefit from additional fact gathering for future safety analysis to identify safety issues or safety trends.

Basic details of an occurrence, based primarily on the details provided in the initial occurrence notification, can be recorded in the database to be used in future safety analysis to identify safety issues or safety trends.

Note: In the third approach, the occurrence is not investigated immediately, but may be the subject of a future investigation.

Timelines for the release of reports:

Internal Report

Within 24 hours or a day following a public holiday or weekend.

Accident Notification to other states and ICAO

As soon as practically possible, within five working days after AIID has been notified.

Preliminary report

Within 30 days

Interim Statement

At 12 months anniversary of the occurrence unless the final report has been published.

Final Report

Published within 12 months of the occurrence

The following are problem areas and contributing factors to most of our accidents and incidents :

  • Human error this is a major killer and involves
    • Procedure not followed (Standards Operating Procedure / Regulations / Manufacture Requirement, etc.)
    • Flying Visual Meteorological Condition (IMC) into Instrument Metrological Condition resulting in disorientation. .
    • Get there attitidue. This is the disregarding of safety standards in order to get to the destination.
    • Bad Habits, Attitude, Airmanship
  • Aircraft idiosyncrasies
  • Lack of maintenance / poor maintenance
  • Lack of or inadequate supervision
  • Regulator visibility at airports, airstrips and aviation

How to report an Accident

Reports should be forwarded to the following:

24 HOUR CONTACT / +27 (0) 60 991 9915

Other contacts

  • Manager: Safety Information 
    Soomesh Maharaj
    Office: +27 (0) 11 545 1178
    Mobile: +27 (0) 83 461 6027
    Email:; or
  • Manager – Accidents and Serious Incident 
    Renisha Schoonraad
    Accident and Incident Investigations
    Mobile: +27 (0) 67 412 4868
  • Senior Manager: Accident and Incident Investigations
    Albert Phuti Morudi
    Office: +27 (0) 11 545 1054
    Mobile: +27 (0) 83 461 6295

Notification to the Authority

The  Accident and Incident Investigations Department (AIID)  should  be  notified  immediately through the information provided on the website  upon  occurring  of  an  Incident  occurs  within  the territory  of  the Republic of South Africa  into  any  aircraft  or  in  foreign  territory  to  an  aircraft  registered  in  South Africa. All notifications should be forwarded to the Investigator on call and Manager: Accident and Incident Investigations their respective contact details are available on the CAA website 24/7 hrs. This notification could be in the form of a telephone call or e-mail.  In the event of an occurrence, it is most probable that one or more of the following will notify Civil Aviation Authority and Accident Investigation Department:

Air Traffic Controller

  1. Owner/Operator
  2. Aircraft pilot/surviving crew members
  3. Handling agent/Maintenance organization
  4. Police/Local Authority
  5. Eyewitness
  6. State of Occurrence, in the event of an occurrence in foreign territory to an aircraft registered in South Africa

The legal responsibility for notification of an Incident rests first with commander of the aircraft or, if he be killed or incapacitated, then the operator and if the occurrence is in foreign territory, the State of Occurrence. If the Incident occurs on or adjacent to an aerodrome, then the aerodrome operator is also required to notify the Incident. The notification is required to be passed to the Authority by the quickest means and giving, as far as possible, the required information mentioned in the paragraph below.

Recording of Notification

The recording should be made using an Accident/Incident Recording form format as approved; the recording must contain the following information.

  1. For accidents the identifying abbreviation ACCID, for serious incidents INCID;
  2. Manufacturer, model, nationality and registration marks, and serial number of the aircraft;
  3. Name of owner, operator and hirer, if any, of the aircraft;
  4. Qualification of the pilot-in-command, and nationality of crew and passengers;
  5. Date and time (local time or UTC) of the incident;
  6. Last point of departure and point of intended landing of the aircraft;
  7. Position of the aircraft with reference to some easily defined geographical point and latitude and longitude;
  8. Number  of  crew and  passengers;  aboard,  killed  and  seriously  injured;  others,  killed  and seriously injured;
  9. Description of the accident or serious incident and the extent of damage to the aircraft so far as is known;
  10. An indication to what extent the investigation will be conducted or is proposed to be delegated by the State of Occurrence;
  11. Physical  characteristics  of  the  accident  or  serious  incident  area,  as  well  as  an  indication  of  access difficulties or special requirements to reach the site;
  12. Identification of the originating authority and    means to contact the investigator-in-charge and the Incident investigation authority of the State of Occurrence at any time; and
  13. Presence and description of dangerous goods on board the aircraft.
  14. And any other information no matter how pertinent has to be communicated to the investigator on call.


Click here to access form CA 12-07 – External notification of accident ito CAR Part 12.02.1; 12.02.2 and 12.02.3

Guidance Material and Information

Information for Family and Friends following an aviation Accident
Industry Guidance for Reporting of Accident and Incident

Read more on Industry Guidance for Occurrence Reporting here.

Training and Recruitment of Aircraft Accident Investigators


Aircraft accident investigation is a specialized task which should only be undertaken by qualified aviators. It is therefore of the utmost importance that suitable persons are identified and appropriately trained to carry out this difficult task and to be able to obtain job satisfaction in this as their chosen career.

The investigation of an aircraft accident is also a task that can be almost unlimited in scope. Therefore, some investigations will be curtailed by the resources available, unless proper management of the investigations is exercised. The investigator-in-charge is responsible for ensuring that the expenditure of the resources available results in an investigation that extracts the maximum benefit to the safety of aviation. The families must also be kept in the loop on the progress of the investigation.

Recruiting of Investigators

The experience and employment background of an aspiring investigator is therefore a very important aspect in the recruitment and training of aircraft accident investigators. Potential accident investigators must have considerable practical experience in aviation as a foundation on which to build their investigation skills. This experience can be acquired from civil or military qualification as a pilot, aeronautical engineer or aircraft maintenance engineer. Personnel qualified in flight operations, airworthiness, air traffic management, or aviation-related management may also be suitable for accident investigator training.

Training of Investigators

Training will involve the progressive in-house training considered necessary to qualify a person for the various investigation roles, including appointment as the investigator-in-charge of an investigation into a major accident involving a large transport category aircraft.

Since accident investigations will often involve specialized areas, it is important that those selected for training as investigators understand the aviation infrastructure and are able to relate to the many different areas of aviation. Since the outcome of an accident investigation is largely dependent upon the aviation knowledge, skills and experience of the assigned aircraft accident investigators, they should have:

  • an understanding of the depth of investigation that is necessary in order for the investigation to conform with the legislation, regulations and other requirements of the State for which they are conducting the investigation;
  • a knowledge of aircraft accident investigation techniques;
  • an understanding of aircraft operations and the relevant technical areas of aviation;
  • the ability to obtain and manage the relevant technical assistance and resources required to support the investigation;
  • the ability to collect, document and preserve evidence;
  • the ability to identify and analyse pertinent evidence in order to determine the causes and, if appropriate, make safety recommendations; and
  • the ability to write a final report that meets the requirements of the accident investigation authority of the State conducting the investigation.

Training a person for aircraft accident investigation involves several phases. These phases include initial training, on-the-job training, a basic accident investigation course and an advanced accident investigation course supplemented by specialized courses. While on-the-job training is an ongoing process that continues for many years, there should be sufficient time intervals between each formal course to allow the investigator to consolidate the information and the techniques learned. Formal courses are designed to complement on-the-job training by exposing trainee investigators to a cadre of experts who can pass on the details of their specialties to their students. The experts are usually recruited from those with experiences in a particular area of accident investigation. They include experienced investigators, aviation medicine physicians, psychologists, aeronautical engineers and manufacturers’ representatives.

Structured courses in aircraft accident investigation are conducted by universities, manufacturers, military establishments, accident investigation authorities and other educational institutions.

Following the initial training, an accident investigation authority should provide on-the-job training for a new investigator. During this second phase, the new investigator will practice the procedures and tasks covered in the initial training, and gain familiarity with investigation techniques. This training will also familiarize him with the investigation tasks at the accident site, the collection of factual information, the analysis of the factual information and the development of the final report. The conduct of on-the-job training often involves more than one experienced investigator and is not limited to investigations within the State that employs the trainee/investigator.

Attributes of an Investigator

In addition to technical skills and experience, an accident investigator requires certain personal attributes. These attributes include integrity and impartiality in the recording of facts; the ability to analyze facts in a logical manner; perseverance in pursuing inquiries, often under difficult or trying conditions; and tact in dealing with a wide range of people who have been involved in the traumatic experience of an aircraft accident.

Investigators are also expected to be prepared to travel for extended periods of time at short notice, both within South Africa and internationally.

It may at times also require the handling and removal of body parts involving fatalities and working closely with the SAPS and pathologists.

A career involving aircraft accident investigation does call for support by an understanding family.

Accident investigation as a career

To be successful and have job satisfaction in his or her career as an investigator, there is a need for dedication, a willingness to work under stressful conditions and to have a desire and an unwavering interest to improve aviation safety. Without this, the investigator will not be successful and be able to obtain job satisfaction in this chosen career.

Issued by the Office of the Executive Manager: Accident and Incident Investigation Division, SACAA, February 2013

Ref. ICAO Circular 298-AN/172 – Training Guidelines for Aircraft Accident Investigators

Safety Information

To view workshop presentations, please visit the Communications page.

Accidents and Incident Reports

Important information to note!

  • Please note that accident and incident reports are filed by the year of occurrence and named and sorted according to the report number. 
  • To search for reports, please type the aircraft registration or report number into the search bar.
  • For access to older reports, please visit the archived reports page.
Recently Published Accident Reports

TitleAircraft RegistrationDate of OccurenceFile
10392ZS-CZR23 November 2023Download 1378 kb
1461ZU-BUI24 November 2024Download 396 kb
10519ZU-IDV17 October 2024Download 581 kb
10510ZU-TAE8 October 2024Download 892 kb
10476ZU-NEE7 August 2024Download 1463 kb
10530ZS-RZK26 November 2024Download 695 kb
10508ZS-OBD6 October 2024Download 630 kb
10517ZS-SUJ16 October 2024Download 550 kb
1459ZS-WHV29 October 2024Download 522 kb
10475ZS-PUW6 August 2024Download 496 kb
10529ZS-OSU20 November 2024Download 676 kb
10426ZU-IBN24 February 2024Download 949 kb
10515ZU-KFJ10 October 2024Download 768 kb
1456ZS-SKX18 October 2024Download 486 kb
10505ZS-JUA28 September 2024Download 516 kb
10523ZS-III24 October 2024Download 2896 kb
1455ZU-CLX20 September 2024Download 324 kb
10514ZS-MCY10 October 2024Download 1763 kb
10483ZU-MAP29 August 2024Download 462 kb
10521ZS-DVY30 October 2024Download 595 kb
10487ZS-EAD3 September 2024Download 623 kb

Accidents and Incidents Reports

YearDateAircraft TypeLocationNameAircraftRegistrationFile
Interim Reports16 August 2015Cessna 411Near Cape Town International AirportInterim Statement V5-NRSV5-NRSDownload 22 kb
Interim Reports25 August 2015Cessna C172Inland side of N2 near Wikelspruit off-rampInterim Statement ZS-NTRZS-NTRDownload 98 kb
Interim Reports23 March 2016Robinson R22 BetaRand AirportInterim Statement ZS-HXSZS-HXSDownload 419 kb
Interim Reports27 November 2013Embraer EM 120 ERLanseria International AirportInterim Statement TR-LSRTR-LSRDownload 1303 kb
Interim Reports16 July 2013Ayeres S2R-T34Near Piet RetiefInterim Statemant ZS-PADZS-PADDownload 1208 kb
Interim Reports6 October 2015Bell 206BBochum LimpopoInterim Statement ZS-HDWZS-HDWDownload 1056 kb
Interim Reports31 October 2016Piper PA-250-60Dennegeur Farm, Western CapeInterim Statement ZS-TDOZS-TDODownload 660 kb
Preliminary Reports13 October 2016Robinson R44Wagensboomkop farmZS-PWFZS-PWFDownload 249 kb
Interim Reports22 April 2015Bell 205Bainskloof area, Western CapeInterim Statement ZU-UHIZU-UHIDownload 384 kb
Interim Reports15 September 2014Air Tractor AT802Farm Mondi Vrede near Piet Retief AirfieldInterim Statement ZS-TBWZS-TBWDownload 429 kb
Interim Reports27 August 2016Cessna 182Komati Gorge private airstrip, MpumalangaInterim Statement ZS-PHBZS-PHBDownload 132 kb
Interim Reports20 January 2017BeechcraftRunway 18 at Hoedspruit AirportInterim Statement ZS-JBEZS-JBEDownload 171 kb
Interim Reports25 February 2017Robinson R22 BetaNear Hluleka, Umtata in the Eastern CapeInterim Statement ZT-RASZT-RASDownload 754 kb
20182 MarchRAF 2000 GTX FIVivo, Limpopo Province9690ZU-RLKDownload 640 kb
20184 MayAS341-F2 GazelleHoneymoon Game Farm, Limpopo Province9706ZU-RLEDownload 1032 kb
201805 AprilRobinson R22 BetaGPS coordinates: 29°46’9.76” South, 031°3’32.25” East9700ZS-RGJDownload 611 kb
201822 JulyRobinson R22 BetaGPS coordinates: 33°59’14.51” South, 025°36’26.38” East9725ZS-RCYDownload 593 kb
201817 AprilEmbraer ERJ-135LROn approach for runway 29 at FAWB1204ZS-ALODownload 774 kb
201816 MayBombardier CL-600-2B19Co-ordinates 26° 08’ 21” South 028° 14’ 46” East1210ZS-NMIDownload 1829 kb
20184 MaySchweizer 269CExelsior farm near Bultfontein9707ZS-RBJDownload 1540 kb
Interim Reports21 November 2017Trojan GyroDavidsfontein Farm near ParysInterim Statement ZU-RKJZU-RKJDownload 231 kb
Interim Reports22 November 2017Beechcraft Premier 1 390ARand airport FAGMInterim Statement ZS-CBIZS-CBIDownload 277 kb
20181 SeptemberCessna Textron 182MLeshiba Wilderness Aerodrome9730ZS-IAMDownload 2343 kb
201826 MayAutoGyro GMBH, CalidusTedderfield Airpark, Gauteng9651ZU-RCADownload 825 kb
20181 SeptemberAtlas Angel X3289,2 nm north-east of Delmas town1217ZS-WZPDownload 1107 kb
201809 AprilRobin DR500Left of Runway 23 (RWY23), FAFK9694ZS-MXNDownload 522 kb
201811 MayWindlass AquillaPrivate farm in Brits9710ZU-DLYDownload 847 kb
201806 AprilPulsairRunway 20 (RWY20) clearway Saldanha Airfield1198ZU-BLMDownload 282 kb
20183 DecemberRobinson R22 BetaFarm Potgietersleger9758ZS-RLVDownload 477 kb
20183 NovemberRobinson R44 AstroPrivate farm near Witbank9743ZS-RHYDownload 1325 kb
201819 NovemberRobinson R44GPS coordinates: 33°53’54.4” South, 022°22’18.3” East9752ZS-RPVDownload 576 kb
201812 JuneMohawkStilbaai River9719ZU-CRFDownload 718 kb
201811 NovemberELA-08Paradise Beach Airfield1227ZU-EMIDownload 729 kb
201818 SeptemberBell 206BPrivate farm in Melmoth, KwaZulu Natal9731ZT-RBFDownload 493 kb
201820 JuneAir Tractor AT-301Boland Agricultural High School1211ZS-KPCDownload 834 kb
201818 AprilTL Ultralight, TL-2000 STINGRand Aerodrome (FAGM)1203ZU-JEODownload 1005 kb
201830 JuneRobinson Raven II R44Virginia Airport9724ZS-PYGDownload 925 kb
201822 OctoberBeechcraft (Textron) B1900D40 nm east of Witbank town1224ZS-PHXDownload 1504 kb
201828 FebruaryRobinson R44 Raven IIFarm Truter Boerdery9688ZS-HKZDownload 1300 kb
201810 NovemberVulcanair P.68RProgress Aerodrome, Port Elizabeth (FAPZ)1229ZS-VRADownload 672 kb
201822 NovemberBeechcraft (Textron) B1900DEast of O.R. Tambo International Airport, overhead Petit Airfield in Bronkhorstspruit1233ZS-PHXDownload 932 kb
201824 SeptemberAeroprakt A-22LS FoxbatS25°49’30.0” E27°28’28.8” at an elevation of 4500 ft9734ZU-FYZDownload 645 kb
201812 MayZodiac CH601 HD260 meters from the threshold of runway 11 at FAGM9711ZU-FFADownload 1496 kb
20189 AprilAS350B3Transnet railway service road near Frutuna9699ZS-HHIDownload 1099 kb
20181 JuneChayair, Sycamore MK1Klipriver Airfield – Walkerville – Gauteng Province9695ZU-BUADownload 2009 kb
201819 AprilRobinson R44 Raven IIGPS coordinates: 25°30’ 15.12” South, 027°47’14.67” East9705ZS-ROXDownload 439 kb
201823 JanuarySavannah SPrivate farm 3nm West of Kei Mouth9682ZU-TEFDownload 671 kb
201803 AprilBeechcraft Baron 58Runway 29 at FAEL1200ZS-JYDDownload 719 kb
201826 MarchBeechcraft B200At FAWB on Runway 291202ZS-KGWDownload 761 kb
201828 AprilBell Helicopter Textron 206L-4Farm Snymansdrift, East of Kuschke Nature Reserve9702ZS-REGDownload 1441 kb
201821 AugustCessna C172NRustenburg Aerodrome (FARG)9728ZS-OHNDownload 1489 kb
201824 FebruaryCessna T210NOudtshoorn Military Area9687ZS-KOMDownload 1998 kb
201928 JanuaryPiper, PA28-180Port Alfred Aerodrome (FAPA)1246ZS-IKJDownload 620 kb
201819 MarchRobinson R22 BetaNew Tempe Aerodrome (FATP)1201ZS-HAIDownload 1166 kb
20183 MayFalcon 900EXRunway 17 at Rand Aerodrome (FAGM)9704ZS-DEXDownload 2286 kb
201919 JanuaryCessna Textron, C21Potchefstroom Aerodrome (FAPS)1245ZS-LCUDownload 979 kb
201811 MayBombardier CL-600-2C10East London Airport (FAEL)1209ZS-NBGDownload 1424 kb
201816 JulySuper Decathlon 8KCAB BL30Roodekoppies Dam9723N53757Download 1199 kb
20199 FebruaryAeroprakt Ltd, A22-LSKingfisherspruit Section, Kruger National Park9768ZU-INHDownload 4233 kb
201825 NovemberCessna 150LMarble Hall airfield 300 metres from the threshold of Runway 229754ZS-NRXDownload 839 kb
201912 JanuaryCessna Textron, C182NIwamanzi Aerodrome1241ZS-IILDownload 1567 kb
20194 JanuaryAlexander Schleicher, ASH 25 GliderS29°1’36” E026°9’34” elevation 4 500ft9760ZS-GXXDownload 1280 kb
20199 JanuaryPiper PA-32R-301Phephane farm, close to Morokweng, in the North West Province.9796ZS-SNUDownload 895 kb
201810 JulyConvair 340/440Approximately 1 kilometre east of the N4 highway in Derdepoort industrial area9722ZS-BRVDownload 3677 kb
201823 MayAviate Products cc, RaptorRunway 03 (RWY03) clearway, FABA9712ZU-CWIDownload 477 kb
201818 NovemberDE Havilland, DH-82a Tigermoth6°5’24.5” South, 027°42’37.89” East9751ZS-BUADownload 775 kb
20181 JuneRobinson R44 Raven IILumarie Game Farm9714ZS-MZSDownload 3572 kb
201819 SeptemberBell Textron 206B Jetranger-IIIS28°50’38.92” E28°04’54.84” at an elevation of 4765 ft1218ZT-RATDownload 3103 kb
201825 NovemberKitfox Super Sport 7Falstaff Farm in Hilton, 15nm south of Queenstown Airfield9755ZU-JPADownload 1448 kb
20194 AprilKitplanes, Safari LSAThe Rose Aerodrome, Bronkhorstspruit1262ZU-FSEDownload 504 kb
201920 MayCzech Aircraft Works, SPOL SROBrits Aerodrome (FABS)1265ZU-LSCDownload 401 kb
201919 MayBabst C F, Carl Babst Raven 1Rhino Park Airfield9787ZU-FBPDownload 507 kb
20192 FebruaryNanchang Dragon C J6-ABrakpan Airfield1248ZU-ECEDownload 619 kb
201910 FebruaryMagni Gyro M 2226° 51’ 0” South 28° 11’ 24” East9766ZU-DXLDownload 445 kb
20198 FebruaryBantam B22JZandspruit River9769ZU-DOGDownload 2942 kb
20189 NovemberPartenavia P68C-TCHartebeesfontein Road9748ZS-PBRDownload 2094 kb
20196 JanuaryCirrus SR22TLanseria International Aerodrome (FALA) Runway 07,1240ZS-ARIDownload 2904 kb
201923 MayBantam B22J18th Fairway at the Hans Merensky Golf Course9789ZU-FFBDownload 5129 kb
201824 SeptemberMicro Aviation Bantam B22JOn a farm 5nm south-west of Hoedspruit Civil Aerodrome1219ZU-EGUDownload 1826 kb
201921 MarchTecnam P92 EchoAt Aeropark Zyn Kraal Aerodrome1256ZU-BJYDownload 353 kb
20191 MayGlasair II-S FTWings Park Aerodrome to the left of Runway 279786ZU-DVODownload 991 kb
201810 NovemberYak 52On a private farm in Vereeniging, next to R56 Road1226ZU-FRNDownload 748 kb
201818 SeptemberIkarus C42B (Micro-light)Bethlehem Aerodrome9732ZU-EVWDownload 2656 kb
201823 OctoberBell UH-H1 HueyVermaaklikheid, Western Cape, on a farm9738ZS-HLPDownload 2013 kb
201830 MayPiper PA-31-350Runway 29, Wonderboom Aerodrome9713ZS-LVJDownload 472 kb
20188 OctoberCessna C172LResidential property, Vorna Valley9736ZS-PZTDownload 4580 kb
Interim Reports06 October 2018Windlass AquillaMlala Game Farm, LimpopoInterim Statement ZU-CBRZU-CBRDownload 382 kb
20195 AprilDassault Aviation Falcon 900B50 nm South-East of Victoria Falls International Airport1264ZS-DFJDownload 2947 kb
201926 AprilBeech A35GPS co-ordinates S28°0’59.20” E026°18’9.36”1257ZU-DLWDownload 361 kb
201910 SeptemberRobinson R22 BetaThe Hills Eco Estate9803ZS-RMZDownload 1598 kb
201823 JulyCessna T210MWonderboom Aerodrome (FAWB)1214ZS-MBUDownload 323 kb
201915 AugustBantam B22JS33°15’51.35” E018°13’27.59”9816ZU-DNIDownload 510 kb
201911 JuneRadial RocketBaragwanath Airfield9797ZU-IJPDownload 362 kb
201829 NovemberCessna U206DMachadodorp Sappi forestry9703ZS-DIVDownload 1103 kb
201920 AugustBoeing 737-400En route from FACT to FALE abeam Montagu1278ZS-JRMDownload 2471 kb
Preliminary Reports30 January 2020Bush-babySmall holding plot 49 near KlerksdorpZU-BEAZU-BEADownload 545 kb
201919 AprilBoeing 737-800O.R. Tambo International Aerodrome (FAOR) Alpha taxiway1261ZS-SJHDownload 779 kb
201914 JuneUFM-10 SambaTaxiway Messina Aerodrome1270ZU-CVTDownload 655 kb
20186 OctoberWindlass AquillaMlala Game Farm is 5.4nm north-east of Marble Hall9735ZU-CBRDownload 1289 kb
201815 AugustRobinson R22 Beta IIIthala Game Reserve9727ZS-HBPDownload 10764 kb
201919 NovemberJabiru J160Rhino Park Airfield, Gauteng9836ZU-FATDownload 885 kb
201925 OctoberRobinson R44Marjoram Ave, Sinoville, Pretoria, Gauteng9832ZT-RALDownload 1426 kb
201910 MayRT13BMountain View Lodge, Mookgopong, Limpopo Province9785ZU-FUODownload 2425 kb
201916 SeptemberBoeing 737-400FAOR Runway 03L1282ZS-JRMDownload 1522 kb
Preliminary Reports30 June 2020Piper PA-28-180 CherokeeOn a farm behind Pretoria University Faculty of Veterinary Science campusZS-EBCZS-EBCDownload 1527 kb
20198 JulyBoeing 737-800NGIn-flight south of Potchefstroom Aerodrome (FAPS) FAR751273ZS-ZWEDownload 1184 kb
201927 MarchAvro 146-RJ85Radial 030 at 3 DME JSV1259ZS-SSJDownload 1488 kb
201917 OctoberDiamond DA 20-C1Lanseria Aerodrome, Runway 071287ZS-SJYDownload 1724 kb
201929 NovemberGlasair Sportsman GS-2Porterville Aerodrome, Runway 359840ZU-JVNDownload 424 kb
201920 NovemberZenith Zodiac CH-601 XLFarm Vergelegen near Spitskop Dam, North West1294ZU-CUNDownload 4969 kb
201916 DecemberBoeing 737-800Near the STV VOR in Standerton1297ZS-ZWTDownload 1186 kb
201920 OctoberCessna 402 BA private airfield at a farm 8NM south-east of Ant’s Nest9830ZS-OFPDownload 853 kb
20193 JulyCessna 210TTaxiway at Pongola Aerodrome9799ZS-MGBDownload 826 kb
201819 NovemberGlider Sailplane- JS1C1.3 NM north of Gariep Dam Airfield9753ZS-GBKDownload 1365 kb
201915 NovemberJabiru J430On Runway 09 at Rhino Park Aerodrome9835ZS-NEEDownload 531 kb
201922 SeptemberICP Italy & Savannah Africa, OribiRunway 16 at Graskop Airfield9822ZU-EHSDownload 657 kb
20192 AugustBantam B22JRunway 35 at Zandspruit Aero Estate1275ZU-FIUDownload 236 kb
20192 OctoberSolo Wing; Windlass AquillaRight-hand side of Runway 23 at Groutville Airfield9824ZU-CVIDownload 308 kb
201911 AugustRobinson, R44 Raven IIPrivate Farm in Vaalwater, Limpopo Province9812ZS-TTCDownload 822 kb
201927 DecemberBeechcraft Bonanza A36Short of Runway 10 FALO9844ZS-KAJDownload 546 kb
202030 JanuaryBush-Baby Kit PlanePlot 49 Airstrip in Klerksdorp9864ZU-BEADownload 267 kb
201929 NovemberCessna 206CIn flight at position S33°59’24.0” E026°36’.37.0”1292ZS-EZKDownload 641 kb
202020 JanuaryGrumman G-164AApproximately 7.2 nautical miles from FAMB next to N11 highway9854ZS-IRWDownload 2202 kb
201911 OctoberAlpi Aviation SRL, Pioneer 330Runway 08 Jack Taylor Krugersdorp Aerodrome (FAKR)9829ZU-MJBDownload 578 kb
202025 JanuarySanka AK 1-3S32⁰ 45’ 39.50” E028⁰ 15’ 12.569858ZU-RNJDownload 520 kb
201910 DecemberBoeing 737-400En route from FAOR to FAPE, Heilbron area1299ZS-DMIDownload 3334 kb
201930 JulyBell 47G-3B-1Tshwarelano Game Farm9809ZS-HGYDownload 2130 kb
20208 JulyPiper PA-34-200Runway 10L, Port Alfred Aerodrome1314ZS-ISDDownload 1292 kb
201929 MarchPiper PA 30Westonaria 16nm south-west of Johannesburg CBD9780ZS-ICBDownload 1843 kb
201916 OctoberCessna 172Pfarm in Kalbasfontein, Randfontein1288ZS-OBDDownload 2249 kb
201916 AugustCessna 172On Plot 63 next to the N4 highway at Hartebeesfontein Road9815ZS-LMIDownload 1445 kb
20198 NovemberCessna 550Runway 07 at FALA1291ZS-CARDownload 2165 kb
202017 JulyAirbus Helicopters, H120On the edge of the threshold of Runway 34, FACT9895ZS-ROPDownload 2230 kb
20208 MarchCessna C180Runway 13 Baragwanath Aerodrome (FASY)9873ZS-TIODownload 635 kb
202020 MayJihlavan Airplanes S.R.O. Skyleader 600Runway 08 Krugersdorp Airfield (FAKR)1312ZU-TAMDownload 855 kb
202028 AugustPiper PA-30-160On the right edge of Runway 35, Grand Central Aerodrome9906ZS-DVDDownload 1129 kb
202015 AugustPiper PA-28-180On the right edge of Runway 29, Wonderboom Aerodrome (FAWB)1317ZS-MZUDownload 1755 kb
20192 SeptemberBoeing 737-800At waypoint UTEBA – FAOR1281ZS-SJDDownload 2409 kb
20196 JuneParaglider APCO FiestaBulwer 1000 KwaZulu-Natal Province9792ParagliderDownload 498 kb
20196 OctoberPiper PA-28-140Huhudi township, near Vryburg9828ZS-EEZDownload 1042 kb
20195 DecemberRobinson R44Private farm at Semungu 11 nm south-west of Eshowe9842ZS-RRSDownload 2281 kb
Interim Reports23 January 2020Cessna S550George AerodromeInterim Statement ZS-CARZS-CARDownload 83 kb
201929 JanuaryPitts Special S-2BKliprivier area in Gauteng Province9767ZS-OOBDownload 1253 kb
20202 JanuaryAirbus A330-343Cape Town International Airport (FACT)1301TC-JNIDownload 428 kb
20194 DecemberBeechcraft King Air B200En-route from FAVG to FAHT at flight level (FL) 2501298ZS-MINDownload 873 kb
201911 NovemberPiper PA 28-140Olympia Road, Springs9834ZS-EXIDownload 2111 kb
202012 JanuaryFK 14B POLARISIn an open area north of FASI, approximately 450m from the threshold of Runway 219848ZU-EWDDownload 1804 kb
202030 JunePiper PA-28-180 CherokeeOn a ploughed field behind Pretoria University Faculty of Veterinary Science Campus9891ZS-EBCDownload 3244 kb
Preliminary Reports13 January 2021Piper PA-46-350PKoedoesberg Game Farm-Pongola, KwaZulu-NatalZS-JJJZS-JJJDownload 846 kb
Preliminary Reports25 January 2021Boeing 737-800En route to FALE from FAORPreliminary Report ZS-SJFZS-SJFDownload 1432 kb
Preliminary Reports21 January 2021Air Tractor AT-402BPrivate farm in Sardinia, Bultfontein, Free StateZS-TCJZS-TCJDownload 1115 kb
Preliminary Reports21 January 2021Bell 430ColensoZT-RRTZT-RRTDownload 2622 kb
20202 FebruaryBantam B22JApproximately 5 nautical miles south-east of Pietersburg Civil Aerodrome9860ZU-DJUDownload 834 kb
201918 JuneGin Atlas XLNear God’s Window, Ehlanzeni9798ParagliderDownload 1532 kb
202015 MarchSling 4 TSiUMkhomazi River Valley, KwaZulu-Natal9878ZU-IPSDownload 862 kb
Preliminary Reports4 February 2021Air Tractor AT-502BMillvale, North WestZS-XATZS-XATDownload 1976 kb
20201 AugustRobinson R44 Raven IICypherkuil Private Farm, South-West of Colesberg, Northern Cape9886ZS-RDIDownload 714 kb
Preliminary Reports4 March 2021Fokker E.III1nm east of the Coves AirfieldZU-FOKZU-FOKDownload 859 kb
Preliminary Reports2 January 2021Eurocopter AS350 B3Cape Town International AirportZS-OXKZS-OXKDownload 968 kb
201811 JuneCozy Fish EagleBaakens Valley 1nm north east of FAPE9715ZU-BNHDownload 1086 kb
202125 JanuaryBoeing 737-800En route from FAOR to FALE abeam Dundee1336ZS-SJFDownload 1956 kb
202030 OctoberZenith CH650BOpen field 325m from the threshold of Runway 26 Paradise Beach Aerodrome9924ZU-IIJDownload 1977 kb
201928 NovemberBell 505Outside a military base in Kimberley9839ZT-RDRDownload 2719 kb
201923 JulyBell UH-1HBosveld Citrus Farm in Politsi9804ZS-HLJDownload 1746 kb
Preliminary Reports19 January 2021Bell 206B Jet Ranger IISilverstroom Farm, Wolseley, Western CapeZS-HUCZS-HUCDownload 2223 kb
Preliminary Reports14 May 2021Robinson R44 Raven IIVaal Marina Dam, Gauteng provinceZS-RSKZS-RSKDownload 841 kb
202111 JanuarySafari LSA8.8nm north-east of Hartbeespoort Dam9941ZU-IJZDownload 1282 kb
20213 MarchRallye 235EMaize farm near FAOI, Gauteng9962ZS-JSRDownload 663 kb
20192 DecemberScheibe SF25D FalkePlettenberg Bay Botanical Estate9841ZS-UUADownload 2806 kb
20198 JuneCzech Aircraft Works Spol SROS27°56’35.74” E28°17’.14.76”9793ZU-LSADownload 716 kb
Preliminary Reports22 May 2021Cessna 182LErmelo, MpumalangaZS-FIYZS-FIYDownload 765 kb
Preliminary Reports26 May 2021Bushbaby ExplorerPolokwane Civil AerodromeZU-FXEZU-FXEDownload 774 kb
Preliminary Reports28 June 2021Cessna 182PSwampland area in Wadeville, GautengZS-MZVZS-MZVDownload 1949 kb
20212 JanuaryAS350-B3 (Airbus H125)Cape Town International Airport (FACT)9939ZS-OXKDownload 1539 kb
202119 JanuaryBELL 206 BSilverstroom Farm, Wolseley, Western Cape9944ZS-HUCDownload 724 kb
202031 OctoberPiper Pawnee PA-25-235DJacaranda farm, Kirkwood, Eastern Cape9926ZS-MADDownload 1611 kb
202114 MayRobinson R44 Raven IIVaal Marina Bay, Vaal Dam, Gauteng10004ZS-RSKDownload 140 kb
202117 FebruaryBell 206BWonderboom Aerodrome (FAWB)9955ZS-HWZDownload 5344 kb
Preliminary Reports9 July 2021Sling 2Panorama Airfield, GautengZU-FZZZU-FZZDownload 1898 kb
202110 MayBell 47Krugersdorp Airfield (FAKR)9999ZS-HDCDownload 412 kb
202129 MayRutan Long-EZNewcastle Aerodrome (FANC)1345ZS-USSDownload 146 kb
202119 JuneAuto-Gyro Cavalonthe grass to the left of Runway 19 at Stellenbosch Aerodrome10015ZU-RBMDownload 285 kb
20211 JuneSchweizer 269CFarm Middelwater in the Brandfort District, Free State10009ZS-RVDDownload 278 kb
202110 JunePiper PA-31-350 ChieftainRunway 11, Wonderboom National Airport (FAWB)1347ZS-NDNDownload 347 kb
202113 JuneJabiru J170Inungi farm airstrip in Kokstad, KwaZulu-Natal1348ZU-TGHDownload 255 kb
Preliminary Reports23 August 2021Piper PA-18A-150Port Alfred (FAPA), Eastern CapeZS-CKPZS-CKPDownload 605 kb
20219 JuneCessna 172NRand Airport, Runway 3510011ZS-OFUDownload 88 kb
20216 JuneFairchild 24R 46APrivate farm, 6km from Sedgefield, Western Cape1346ZS-VYMDownload 200 kb
202112 FebruaryAL-60C-M4 Kudu771m from the threshold of the south-side runway in Carletonville Aerodrome (FACR)9958ZS-WWODownload 417 kb
202116 JuneSavannah MXP-740VNext to a beach, North of Port St John’s, KwaZulu-Natal10014ZU-ENPDownload 308 kb
202127 JuneFlamingo VL 3A1Geelbos farm airstrip on a gravel runway in Standerton, Mpumalanga10018ZU-NKCDownload 293 kb
20216 MayJabiru J230Loeriesfontein Airfield (FALF)9997ZU-PBBDownload 321 kb
20206 NovemberCirrus SR22TPecan nut orchard next to FANS9930ZS-CNMDownload 4111 kb
202110 MayCessna 172 P (Both)FAD 127 Wonderboom General flying Area1343ZS-GDA and ZS-PMXDownload 690 kb
Preliminary Reports26 August 2021Piper PA-34 200T Seneca IISprings Aerodrome (FASI)ZS-KFGZS-KFGDownload 861 kb
20214 JulyMooney M20MMountain View Game Ranch private airstrip, Limpopo10021ZS-MVMDownload 678 kb
202111 JuneCessna C152Kagga Kamma private airstrip1349ZS-PLUDownload 274 kb
202124 MayDJI Phantom 4 ProOffshore, Table Bay, about 4km south of Robben Island10008ZT-UTGDownload 71 kb
20214 MarchFokker E31 nm east of The Coves Airfield in Gauteng9963ZU-FOKDownload 442 kb
202026 AugustCessna 172FSprings Aerodrome9907ZS-OETDownload 2336 kb
20212 JuneTecnam P92 EchoRunway 17 at Grand Central Airport10010ZU-BJYDownload 497 kb
20216 MayCessna 172KParking bay, Zebula Airfield, Limpopo9998ZS-FJUDownload 181 kb
202127 JunePiper PA-28-180 CherokeePort Alfred Aerodrome (FAPA), Eastern Cape1350ZS-ISUDownload 771 kb
Preliminary Reports9 October 2021RotorWay Executive 162FMorning Star Airfield, Western CapeZU-RDXZU-RDXDownload 1221 kb
202115 JulyPiper PA-28-140 CherokeeKwaDukuza, north of King Shaka International Airport (FALE)1353ZS-LRODownload 142 kb
20211 AugustPiper 24-250Runway 08 Silver Creek in Gauteng1357ZS-WBMDownload 153 kb
202130 JulyCessna 172PRunway 11 at Wonderboom Aerodrome1358ZS-GDADownload 448 kb
20213 JulyCessna 208BLapalala Private Airstrip, Limpopo10020ZS-JEMDownload 177 kb
20213 AugustPiper PA-28-140Morningside private farm in Rustenburg, North West1359ZS-FWKDownload 516 kb
202124 JulyPiper PA-28-235 CherokeeKralingen Farm Private Airstrip, Limpopo1355ZS-FTCDownload 311 kb
202116 AugustPiper PA-28-140 CherokeeRunway 11 at East London Airport (FAEL), Eastern Cape1363ZS-EVJDownload 349 kb
20212 JulyPiper PA-28-140Runway 05 at Virginia Airfield (FAVG) KwaZulu-Natal1351ZS-FEKDownload 380 kb
20214 MarchCessna 182E SkylaneOn the peak of Mariepskop Mountain9964ZS-CUUDownload 2160 kb
202128 JulyZlin Savage Cub (X279)ondi Plantation near Craigie Burn Dam in KwaZulu-Natal10025ZU-IMXDownload 578 kb
202116 JuneComposite Technology Short WingParys Airfield (FAPY) Runway 06, Free State10012ZU-KGVDownload 185 kb
20215 JulySling 2 AircraftSeaview Airfield (FAEW), Eastern Cape1352ZU-WCGDownload 195 kb
202125 JulyQuad City Challenger IIWingfield Private Airstrip, Loch Vaal, Gauteng Province10024ZU-FCPDownload 556 kb
202124 JulyKitfox 7Left of Runway 02 at Morning Star Aerodrome1354ZU-FITDownload 274 kb
202129 JulyCessna C172IRunway 17 at Grand Central Airport (FAGC), Gauteng10026ZS-EWXDownload 183 kb
Preliminary Reports20 September 2021Learjet 35ALanseria International Airport (FALA), GautengZS-SFVZS-SFVDownload 1393 kb
Preliminary Reports13 October 2021Bombardier BD-700-1A10Echo Gate, O.R. Tambo International Aerodrome (FAOR)9H-VJM9H-VJMDownload 2466 kb
Preliminary Reports7 December 2021Evektor SportStarBajadam Resort at Bronkhorstspruit Dam, GautengZU-EIJZU-EIJDownload 2312 kb
Preliminary Reports26 November 2021Cessna 421B Golden EagleOn an open field, north of Middleburg AerodromeZS-IGGZS-IGGDownload 1710 kb
Preliminary Reports7 December 2021Cessna 177, Cardinal300m east of Baragwanath AerodromeZS-EZMZS-EZMDownload 1081 kb
20218 OctoberJabiru J4300.5nm from John Weston Airfield, Northern Cape10048ZU-EFWDownload 573 kb
20212 JulyTecnam P-2004 BravoSyringa Sands Airstrip, Limpopo10019ZU-EPTDownload 468 kb
20219 October202139nm south-west of Van Wyk Vlei, Northern Cape10050ZU-ETKDownload 656 kb
20214 AugustPiper Super CubKaroo Gateway, Beaufort West Airfield, Western Cape1360ZU-ITCDownload 160 kb
202117 SeptemberPiper PA-28-140FAGC Runway 35, Gauteng10040ZS-ELHDownload 240 kb
20215 AugustCessna 172SRunway 26, Beaufort West Aerodrome, Western Cape1361ZS-FIADownload 90 kb
202117 SeptemberPiper PA-28-140 CherokeeRunway 07, Lanseria International Aerodrome, Gauteng10039ZS-FTSDownload 256 kb
202116 August421C – Cessna Aircraft CompanyOverhead North West province1364ZS-JNEDownload 152 kb
202121 SeptemberCessna 172NRunway 07 Lanseria Airport, Gauteng10043ZS-OHKDownload 524 kb
202116 JunePiper PA-46-350PRunway 23 at Virginia Aerodrome, KwaZulu-Natal10013ZS-OIKDownload 961 kb
20211 MayPiper Seneca II PA 34Runway 25 Port Alfred Aerodrome, Eastern Cape9991ZS-PBVDownload 177 kb
202113 OctoberC152, Cessna Aircraft CompanyDurban South, Old Durban International Aerodrome1379ZS-PURDownload 417 kb
202124 AugustRobinson R22 Beta IIPrivate farm near Nylsvlei Nature Reserve, Limpopo10032ZS-ROADownload 562 kb
20215 SeptemberCessna 172MM35 roadway near Soshanguve, Gauteng1370ZS-SSBDownload 609 kb
202120 AugustCessna 172MRunway 29 Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng10029ZS-STPDownload 234 kb
202123 JulyCessna 172SRunway 08 at Beaufort West Aerodrome, Western Cape1362ZS-TBJDownload 123 kb
202110 OctoberMotor Glider Stemme S-12Runway 06 at El Mirador Airfield, KwaZulu-Natal1376ZT-GZGDownload 326 kb
202116 JulyZ194 CheetahVrischgewaagol private farm, Mpumalanga10023ZU-DDXDownload 291 kb
202023 JanuaryCessna S550George Aerodrome (FAGG), Western Cape9855ZS-CARDownload 6072 kb
202114 SeptemberPiper PA-28-180 CherokeeRunway 11, Wonderboom Aerodrome (FAWB), Gauteng1372ZS-CZUDownload 102 kb
202127 SeptemberCessna 172HNelspruit Aerodrome (FANS), Taxiway10045ZS-EPODownload 387 kb
20212 NovemberMooney M20GRunway 34, Douglas Backhouse Aerodrome, Northern Cape10065ZS-FRODownload 312 kb
20213 SeptemberEurocopter EC 130 B4Near Kei River, Eastern Cape1369ZS-HOYDownload 142 kb
20219 NovemberBonanza K35Mossel Bay Aerodrome10071ZS-IJLDownload 302 kb
202116 NovemberCessna 172MRunway 29, Wonderboom Aerodrome (FAWB)10077ZS-JBODownload 291 kb
202124 OctoberCessna 402C IIWonderboom Aerodrome, Runway 111377ZS-KNGDownload 306 kb
20213 MayCessna 402CRunway 29 at Wonderboom Airport (FAWB)9994ZS-NVEDownload 305 kb
202116 NovemberCessna 172MRunway 29, Wonderboom Aerodrome (FAWB)10076ZS-PMKDownload 356 kb
202113 OctoberRobinson 22 Beta IIThreshold of Runway 35 at Port Elizabeth International Airport (FAPE)1378ZS-RNHDownload 274 kb
20215 OctoberPiper Seminole 44-180Runway 08, Karoo Gateway (Beaufort West) Aerodrome (FABW)1375ZS-SWPDownload 321 kb
202127 OctoberMavic 2 ProGraspan, Mpumalanga Province10060ZT-UVWDownload 320 kb
202120 SeptemberBantam B22JSouthern Cross private school rugby field, Limpopo1373ZU-CZYDownload 340 kb
Interim Reports22 November 2020Boeing 737-400En route from FACT to FAELInterim Statement ZS-OAFZS-OAFDownload 958 kb
20214 FebruaryAir Tractor AT-502BLetsatsi Game Lodge, North West province9952ZS-XATDownload 2542 kb
202121 JanuaryBELL 4308nm north-east of Winterton9946ZT-RRTDownload 4289 kb
Preliminary Reports1 February 2022DG 808BLangeberg Mountain, Suurbraak area, Western CapeZU-KDPZU-KDPDownload 2344 kb
Preliminary Reports10 February 2022Jabiru 430Cape Point Nature ReserveZU-IKIZU-IKIDownload 883 kb
Preliminary Reports8 February 2022DC3-TP67and B7387.17nm final approach RWY 07 FALAZS-ASN And ZS-ZWFZS-ASN and ZS-ZWFDownload 592 kb
20213 DecemberPA34-200T/ PiperFAWB, Runway 11 during the landing roll10086ZS-MHGDownload 207 kb
202221 JanuaryDJI Matrice 200 (M200)/DJI CompanyGlencore Tweefontein Coal Mines, Mpumalanga10109ZT-WAXDownload 113 kb
20217 DecemberCessna T210MWaterval Safari Private Airstrip, South of Kimberly10088ZS-LUBDownload 346 kb
20213 NovemberAir Tractor AT402BRunway 35 overrun area on farm Mooipan, Theunnisen10066ZS-DZMDownload 1711 kb
202115 SeptemberRobinson 44 Raven IITilodi Game Reserve10038ZS-HBHDownload 284 kb
202120 JuneBeech 36 (Bonanza)Britstown, Northern Cape10016ZS-NFIDownload 319 kb
20216 OctoberJabiru 430Karoo Gateway Airport (FABW), Northern Cape10046ZU-SMPDownload 420 kb
202119 NovemberPA-28 140Runway 23 FAWN Western Cape10079ZS-JNNDownload 657 kb
20212 SeptemberDJI M600 ProGhaamsberg, Northern Cape10036ZT-WIVDownload 451 kb
202112 OctoberDJI Matrice 200 v2Seriti Mine, Klipfontein, Mpumalanga Province10056ZT-WWEDownload 125 kb
202124 NovemberThunderbird MKIIOn a private farm approximately 3km from Mawala Lodge, Limpopo10084ZU-APSDownload 446 kb
20214 NovemberChayair Sycamore Mk.1Runway (RWY 06), Farm Klipdrift10067ZU-BZEDownload 669 kb
202110 OctoberZodiac 601 ULAltona Farm Private Airstrip10052ZU-CGHDownload 325 kb
20218 DecemberRAF 2000 GTX/Rotary Air force SAPiketberg, Western Cape10089ZU-DUYDownload 281 kb
20214 SeptemberBantam B22J5nm south of Numbi Airstrip9952aZU-DVGDownload 433 kb
202122 OctoberVL-3 Flamingo/ KLN Karel KlenorRunway 18 at Geelbos Private Airstrip, Mpumalanga10058ZU-FLADownload 114 kb
202122 SeptemberVDM L21ANew Tempe (FATP), Free State10044ZU-JAKDownload 134 kb
20214 NovemberTrojan GyroRunway (RWY 24), Parys Airfield (FAPY)10068ZU-RKMDownload 301 kb
202113 NovemberPiper 28R-201T Cherokee Arrow IIIMagwa Tea Estate, 6nm east of Lusikisiki, Eastern Cape10074ZS-JZPDownload 287 kb
202116 NovemberPiper PA-28-161 Warrior IIApron area at Cape Town Flying Club10078ZS-KBKDownload 286 kb
20211 NovemberCessna 210 NRunway 26 FAKR10063ZS-LMODownload 453 kb
202126 JulyCessna 172M Skyhawk IIWintervogel Airfield, Western Cape10028ZS-MDFDownload 447 kb
202112 NovemberPiper 25-235Private Airstrip near Mooipan Farm, Free State10092ZS-MDODownload 259 kb
202114 OctoberParachute (Part 105)Mossel Bay1382ZS-OHBDownload 268 kb
20214 AugustRobinson 44Elim Game farm, near Hertzogville Free State10027ZS-RHDDownload 565 kb
202119 NovemberAstus II TellumetRunway 11, Andrew’s Field (FAAF), Western Cape10083ZT-UOIDownload 541 kb
20212 NovemberDJI Matrice M210 V2Water Treatment Plant at Thungela Shared Services10081ZT-UWGDownload 340 kb
20219 OctoberPiper 28-180Runway 29 at FAWB, Gauteng10049ZS-CBBDownload 274 kb
202123 OctoberBantam B22JAbout 2 nautical miles (nm) north of Bathawk City Aerodrome10057ZU-CYKDownload 370 kb
202111 NovemberPiper PA-28-180 CherokeeRunway 29, Wonderboom Aerodrome (FAWB), Gauteng10073ZS-CZUDownload 529 kb
20219 SeptemberPiper PA-24-260 ComancheRunway 11 at FAGM, Gauteng10037ZS-EFFDownload 542 kb
20216 OctoberS10, Stemme GMHB & Co KGRunway (RWY 03), Potchefstroom Aerodrome (FAPS)10047ZS-GSWDownload 276 kb
202123 OctoberCessna T210L, CenturionRunway 29 FATA, Gauteng10059ZS-AVBDownload 415 kb
20214 SeptemberMotor Falke SF25CRunway 36L at Orient Airfield (FAOI)10035ZS-GYHDownload 292 kb
202120 OctoberBell 412 EP17 nautical miles (nm) west of FAUP, Northern Cape1381ZS-HNBDownload 261 kb
202119 NovemberCessna C172 HLanseria Airport Runway 071082ZS-IRADownload 337 kb
202212 JanuaryCessna 182 PUitenhage area, while flying10101ZS-IWGDownload 151 kb
202123 AugustPiper PA-18A-150 Super CubPort Alfred Aerodrome (FAPA) on the left-side of RWY10L10030ZS-CKPDownload 629 kb
202122 MayCessna 182LPrivate farm, next to Arnot Power Station Airfield1344ZS-FIYDownload 932 kb
202113 JanuaryPiper PA-46-350P Jetprop DLXOn a gravel road 500m from the take-off from Koedoesberg Game Farm9942ZS-JJJDownload 1566 kb
202121 JanuaryAir Tractor AT-402BFarm Sardinia, Bultfontein, Free State Province9945ZS-TCJDownload 1522 kb
Preliminary Reports2 March 20222 March 2022Open grass area adjacent Runway 05 at Virginia AerodromeZS-RVPZS-RVPDownload 905 kb
20221 JanuaryBushbaby ExplorerLunsklip Fisheries Private Airstrip, Runway 1110096ZU-ERKDownload 539 kb
202210 FebruaryRotorway Executive 162FOpen grass area at Light Flight Aerodrome10115ZU-LIZDownload 1762 kb
202110 OctoberSling 2Runway (RWY) 28 FAMO10053ZU-STBDownload 198 kb
202115 JulyLancair IV-PRunway 29, Wonderboom Aerodrome10031ZU-TRVDownload 403 kb
202114 OctoberCessna A150LSemi-prepared field, 3 nautical miles south of FAGM1380ZS-IOPDownload 255 kb
20228 FebruaryCessna A188B1.1 nautical miles (nm) south-east of Howick Airfield10112ZS-JDHDownload 982 kb
202118 OctoberRobinson R44 Raven IIBoggomsbaai next to a beach, Western Cape10055ZS-PWHDownload 342 kb
202215 FebruaryCessna 172MRunway 11 FAWB, Gauteng Province10141ZS-SNSDownload 573 kb
20213 OctoberGrumman American AA-5 TravelerMagaliesburg General Flying Area1374ZS-SWXDownload 246 kb
202131 JanuaryPiper Archer PA 28 RA grass field 44 Nautical Miles north-east of FAPA10110ZS-SYJDownload 307 kb
202123 DecemberDJI Matrice 200Sibanye, Westonaria, Gauteng10105ZT-WVSDownload 348 kb
20225 JanuaryMultirotor Arace Sirin/ UAVHartland Mountain Lodge in Brits North West10102ZT-WYXDownload 293 kb
202022 NovemberBoeing 737-400Runway 29 at George Aerodrome1325ZS-OAFDownload 4323 kb
20224 JanuaryDJI Mavic Advanced2.2 nm from TFR station around Pullens Hope10098ZT-XEJDownload 361 kb
20227 FebruaryDJI Mavic 2Crown Douglas Substation in Mpumalanga10121ZT-XJYDownload 341 kb
202131 JulyBushbaby, Kit Planes for AfricaBarkley East Aerodrome10085ZU-DASDownload 220 kb
202125 AugustJabiru J450In-flight after departing Wonderboom Aerodrome1366ZU-DFRDownload 530 kb
202024 OctoberBushbabyOn the embankment next to the Eva’s Field runway9920ZU-EPKDownload 1985 kb
Preliminary Reports19 February 2022Agusta 119Paarl Hospital rooftop helipad, Western CapeZT-RZSZT-RZSDownload 553 kb
Preliminary Reports8 April 2022Piper PA-38-112Private farm near Diemerskraal AerodromeZS-AXEZS-AXEDownload 860 kb
202211 FebruaryCessna 172MRunway 11, Wonderboom Aerodrome (FAWB), Gauteng10118ZS-SLYDownload 355 kb
20228 FebruaryCessna U206GFarm near Matla Power Station10113ZS-SYWDownload 532 kb
202131 DecemberAir Tractor 502A6F12 Private Farm in Hartswater, Northern Cape10155ZS-XBXDownload 475 kb
202216 JanuaryDJI Matrice-200Goedgevonden Mine near Ogies10104ZT-WULDownload 331 kb
20216 NovemberCheetah 912 ULSDuring the climb phase from FAMB Runway 1410069ZU-CXYDownload 486 kb
20227 JanuaryRavenKlein Bray Farm10099ZU-DHADownload 281 kb
202213 FebruaryRavin 500Runway 19 at FAKT, Gauteng10120ZU-DWFDownload 336 kb
202210 FebruaryRAF 2000GTX SEMossel Bay Aerodrome10117ZU-DYODownload 202 kb
202224 FebruaryZenith Stol CH750Katdoornkraal Private Farm, Standerton, Mpumalanga10125ZU-IGMDownload 320 kb
202228 FebruarySavanna SPrivate Airstrip Near Coligny10131ZU-SVADownload 536 kb
202223 JanuaryExtra Flugzeugbau GmbH, EA-300LThe Coves Aerodrome Gauteng1388ZS-BDEDownload 522 kb
202210 MarchSchweizer 269COpen field in Paul Roux game farm, Free State10133ZS-HEDDownload 544 kb
202218 MarchBell 206BKoedoeskop Farm, North West10137ZS-HJJDownload 533 kb
202225 JanuaryAir Tractor AT 502BFarm Vlakfontein, near Sedibeng, Gauteng10107ZS-OMKDownload 1021 kb
202128 OctoberRand KR-2Tierpoort farm, approximately 0.57 nautical miles south of FAKT10061ZS-UKUDownload 1865 kb
202225 FebruaryCessna 172IOpen field, approximately 1.1 nautical miles (nm) from the threshold of Runway 07 at FALA10129ZS-FIFDownload 1300 kb
Interim Reports3 May 2021Bombardier Rotax 914 ULLaingsburg Baviaan Weg FarmInterim Statement – ZU-BDYZU-BDYDownload 97 kb
Preliminary Reports3 May 2022Piper PA-25-235Albert FallsZS-AWXZS-AWXDownload 1656 kb
Interim Reports26 May 2021Bushbaby ExplorerPolokwane Civil Aerodrome, LimpopoInterim Statement – ZU-FXEZU-FXEDownload 125 kb
20224 AprilCessna T210NHangar No. 28 on the right-side of Runway 35 at Hoedspruit Civil Aerodrome10140ZS-MSBDownload 1753 kb
202224 FebruaryPA30, Piper Aircraft CorporationRunway 35, Grand Central Aerodrome (FAGC)10123ZS-OBADownload 194 kb
202211 MarchCessna 170ADarlington Dam Lodge Airstrip (FADP), Eastern Cape10134ZS-PJDDownload 571 kb
20225 FebruaryScheibe Flugzeugbau GmbH SF-25C FalkeRunway 03, Potchefstroom Aerodrome, North West1390ZS-GYKDownload 246 kb
202226 FebruaryCheetah, Rainbow Aircraft (Pty) LtdNew Tempe Aerodrome Runway 0110127ZU-FASDownload 634 kb
202212 FebruaryVans RV-7On a road at Gannabos and Doringrivier private farm near Nieuwoudtville Aerodrome10119ZU-WABDownload 496 kb
202231 JanuaryDJI Mavic 2Sun City, North West Province10108ZT-UWBDownload 333 kb
202224 JanuaryJabiru J400Unprepared field next to the runway at Krugersdorp Airport10106ZU-DFPDownload 535 kb
Preliminary Reports12 May 2022RAF 2000 GTX SE FIBoschplaats Private FarmZU-RHLZU-RHLDownload 2316 kb
202111 DecemberBell 206L-3Short of final approach and take-off (FATO) area at Ultimate Heliport, Midrand10090ZS-HXGDownload 1608 kb
20228 MarchDJI Matrice 200 Series v2Glencore Coal Mine, Mpumalanga10139ZT-WPRDownload 390 kb
202128 JuneCessna 182PSwampland in Wadeville10017ZS-MZVDownload 4117 kb
20219 JulySling 2Sling 210022ZU-FZZDownload 2603 kb
Preliminary Reports25 May 2022Ravin 500664m North of Runway 06 at Parys Airfield, Free StateZU-JNPZU-JNPDownload 2751 kb
Preliminary Reports18 May 2022Piper PA-25-235 Pawnee±900 metres from the threshold of Runway 21, Potchefstroom AerodromeZS-BTLZS-BTLDownload 847 kb
Preliminary Reports1 June 2022Piper PA-28R-200R44 road in Firgrove, Stellenbosch, Western CapeZS-WAPZS-WAPDownload 1224 kb
Preliminary Reports26 May 2022Piper PA-24-250Panorama AirfieldZS-CSLZS-CSLDownload 1698 kb
202115 DecemberCessna 310QRunway 35 at FAGM, Germiston, Gauteng10094ZS-BRODownload 904 kb
202219 MarchOscar Partenavia P64BRunway (RWY) 02 at Sterkfontein Airfield10136ZS-FSHDownload 741 kb
20221 MayPiper PA28-180Goedehoop Farm Private Airstrip, Free State10150ZS-FYHDownload 332 kb
20223 FebruaryCessna 177RG CardinalRunway 35 at Grand Central Aerodrome, Gauteng1389ZS-IIZDownload 631 kb
202228 FebruaryDJI Phantom 4 AdvancedRooikransberg Farm, McGregor, Western Cape10132ZT-UEEDownload 152 kb
202220 JanuaryMicro Crafts Africa Windlass Aquilla 912Shongweni, KwaZulu-Natal10103ZU-IMNDownload 659 kb
Preliminary Reports25 June 2022Airplane Factory SA/ Sling 270 kilometres (km) east of FAPE, Eastern CapeZU-WCGZU-WCGDownload 1321 kb
Preliminary Reports28 June 2022PA28-180 CherokeePhilippi (Cape Town)ZS-LSCZS-LSCDownload 670 kb
Preliminary Reports11 July 2022Piper PA-28-140Ezemvelo Nature Reserve, GautengZS-FWRZS-FWRDownload 1063 kb
202215 AprilDe Haviland Tiger MothArea between Runway 36 and 03 threshold at Brakpan Aerodrome, Gauteng10145ZS-BGLDownload 396 kb
20224 MayAir Tractor / AT-502BBotselo Private Airstrip, North West10153ZS-OBRDownload 543 kb
202228 MayBeechcraft King Air 200Left of Runway 07 at Lynedoch Private Farm, Eastern Cape10166ZS-PTEDownload 733 kb
202213 AprilCessna 172MWonderboom Aerodrome on the apron outside hangar1396ZS-SCEDownload 333 kb
20224 AprilSchweizer (Hughes) 269CRockridge Farm in Parys10142ZT-RDSDownload 1299 kb
20224 MayAgras T30 / DJILincoln Farm, KwaZulu-Natal10158ZT-XIYDownload 346 kb
20224 MayDJI Matrice 300 RTKSeriti Middelburg Mine, Mpumalanga10159ZT-XJDDownload 753 kb
20227 MayBushbaby 450Runway 22 at Diemerskraal Airfield, Western Cape10154ZU-BJIDownload 613 kb
202225 AprilTeam Rocket F1 (TRF1)Private Farm, 2nm north-east of Moorreesburg, Western Cape1399ZU-DNDDownload 248 kb
20222 MayJabiru J450Runway 03 at Springs Aerodrome10151ZU-DPDDownload 597 kb
202226 FebruaryThunderbird MKVI18 Nautical miles from Lindbergh Lodge, North West10128ZU-ECYDownload 148 kb
202224 MaySavannah VGRunway 29 at Kroon Airfield, Gauteng10163ZU-ICKDownload 179 kb
202226 FebruaryJabiru J430On the edge of Runway 27 at Rhino Park Aerodrome, Gauteng10126ZU-IKGDownload 313 kb
202212 MarchKitplanes Safari LSAZingela Nature Reserve in Tolwe, Limpopo10135ZU-INGDownload 638 kb
202228 AprilGiles G-202Runway 01 at Kitty Hawk Aerodrome (FAKT)10149N-818WTDownload 515 kb
202226 AprilPiper PA-28-180 CherokeeSprings Aerodrome boundary, at the end of Runway 2110148ZS-BFCDownload 713 kb
202215 AprilCessna C402 CRunway 07 at Lanseria International Airport1397ZS-WRIDownload 312 kb
202113 OctoberBD-700-1A10Echo gate at O.R. Tambo International Airport100549H-VJMDownload 2134 kb
202126 MayBushbaby ExplorerApproximately 200m from Polokwane Civil Aerodrome10007ZU-FXEDownload 1022 kb
202119 DecemberVan’s RV-7Plettenberg Bay Residential Area, Western Cape10093ZU-FYGDownload 1706 kb
202126 NovemberCessna 421B Golden EagleOn an open field, north of Middleburg Aerodrome10080ZS-IGGDownload 1677 kb
20181 JanuaryPiper PA31-310En-route from Pafuri Camp to OR Tambo International Airport1189ZS-MNSDownload 437 kb
20187 JanuaryBushbaby 450FASC1191ZU-BAJDownload 689 kb
201803 FebruaryAyres S2R – T15Private Airstrip 5nm West of Midmar Dam1192ZS-PAFDownload 1090 kb
201812 JanuaryJabiru JABI-SP470Runway 11 FAMB1192ZU-CIADownload 410 kb
201813 FebruarySling 2Morningstar airfield1193ZU-IFADownload 296 kb
201817 FebruaryCubby Wings Tri-Cubby25°41’14” South 029°26’43” East1196ZU-EEDDownload 410 kb
20184 MayBoeing 737-30075 NM outbound from VOR PEV en-route to FAOR1206ZS-VDPDownload 1761 kb
20184 MayAirplane Factory Sling 2Runway 08 at FAPE1207ZU-WCGDownload 1637 kb
201812 JanuaryPiper PA44-180Runway 26 FABW9681ZS-SWSDownload 427 kb
201825 JanuaryBantam B22JAylestone Private Reserve9684ZU-EFYDownload 1372 kb
201801 MarchSavannah SRecently ploughed field, Mokwalo farm near Hoedspruit, Limpopo Province9689ZU-KAHDownload 488 kb
201813 MarchRobinson R 2210 km South-west of Rand Aerodrome9691ZS-RNWDownload 305 kb
201826 MarchJabiru J400Morning Star Airfield9693ZU-ZANDownload 621 kb
20184 AprilBellanca, Citabria 7ECAFly Inn Estate9697ZS-WLIDownload 414 kb
202126 AprilCessna 172M (Both Aircraft)Near the Golf Alpha Victor (GAV) beacon9990ZS-PXI and ZS-OMNDownload 3583 kb
202222 JanuaryTamarack Helicopters Inc / UH-1HSilver Mine Dam1387ZS-HHJDownload 533 kb
202227 MarchCessna 172H SkyhawkOpen field near Hartbeespoort, North West Province10138ZS-PFCDownload 705 kb
20226 AprilCessna 172M SkyhawkOn Moloto Road, approximately 9km east of FAWB, Gauteng1393ZS-SBNDownload 356 kb
202215 JuneCessna 172M SkyhawkRunway 17 at FAGC, Gauteng Province10174ZS-STVDownload 299 kb
202221 AprilCessna T210NPrivate Farm in Brakspruit, Mpumalanga Province10146ZS-TCGDownload 426 kb
202218 MarchDJI Phantom 4 ProCamps Drift Canal near Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal10161ZT-UKYDownload 460 kb
202226 MarchSolo Wings CC, Windlass Aquilla TrikeAbout 300 metres from Umvoti River Mouth, KwaZulu-Natal Province10143ZU-FCNDownload 188 kb
202211 JuneRV 9, Vans Aircraft200m from the end of Runway 33 at Bingelela Private Airstrip10171ZU-IBXDownload 439 kb
202218 JuneSling 4During landing on Runway 03 at Rietfontein Airstrip10176ZU-INWDownload 261 kb
20223 JulyVan’s RV-10Open field next to Molteno Private Airstrip10184ZU-IPNDownload 765 kb
20222 JuneBushbaby SafariRight-side of Runway 01 at Durban Skydive Airfield, KwaZulu-Natal10170ZU-JXFDownload 363 kb
20219 DecemberJabiru J430First Beach at Port St Johns, Eastern Cape Province1384ZU-NDPDownload 1013 kb
20224 JulyTrojanRunway 06 at Wagtail Aviation Airfield10183ZU-RKMDownload 268 kb
202113 MayPA-32RT-300TUmtentweni, about 50nm south-west of FAPM10003ZS-CKMDownload 2822 kb
202123 SeptemberSchweizer 269CCamdeboo Game Reserve in Graaf Reinet, Eastern Cape1371ZS-HEWDownload 1182 kb
20229 FebruaryBeechcraft Baron 58During take-off on Runway 20 at Saldanha Aerodrome10114ZS-MRLDownload 876 kb
20228 AprilPiper PA-38-112Private farm near Diemerskraal Aerodrome10144ZS-AXEDownload 975 kb
202131 JanuaryPiper Archer PA 28 RA grass field 44 Nautical Miles north-east of FAPA10110ZS-SYJDownload 307 kb
Interim Reports30 December 2021Aerospatiale/Alenia Avion ATR 72-600During the climb from O.R. Tambo International Airport passing FL80A2-ABKA2-ABKDownload 241 kb
20226 AprilCessna 172M SkyhawkOn Moloto Road, approximately 9km east of FAWB, Gauteng1393ZS-SBNDownload 356 kb
Preliminary Reports18 May 2022Piper PA-25-235 Pawnee±900 metres from the threshold of Runway 21, Potchefstroom AerodromeZS-BTLZS-BTLDownload 1317 kb
202118 SeptemberCessna C 177 RGRunway 03, Vereeniging Aerodrome (FAVV)10042ZS-LLSDownload 774 kb
20224 SeptemberPiper PA-28-180On the beach near the old Durban Aerodrome1402ZS-PETDownload 728 kb
202229 JunePiper PA-34-220T Seneca IIIRunway 17, Grand Central Aerodrome, Gauteng10181ZS-MBYDownload 542 kb
202218 JulyCessna C172MLeft of Runway 26, Zebula Aerodrome10193ZS-PSWDownload 600 kb
202211 MayRobinson R44 Raven IIKwalata Game Farm1386ZS-RKKDownload 248 kb
20229 JulyPiper PA-28-180 CherokeeExtended centreline on Runway 15, Worcester Aerodrome10186ZS-FMODownload 2857 kb
20222 AugustDJI; Matrice 200Overhead Tailings Dam in Gamsberg Mine10199ZT-XDCDownload 440 kb
202229 August 2022Piper PA-28-140 CherokeeRight-side of a public road, west of Wonderboom Aerodrome10214ZS-SPTDownload 1125 kb
20226 AugustKopke GJ, GK-1On Preekstoel Road whilst on short final approach for Runway 11 at Bethlehem Aerodrome10200ZU-BLJDownload 1946 kb
202218 JuneEkolot, KR-030 TopazLeft of Runway 27 at Bundu Fly-Inn Estate Aerodrome10175ZU-EXKDownload 1111 kb
202222 JulySling 2Open field, approximately 8 nautical miles (nm) north of Wonderboom Aerodrome10196ZU-FCTDownload 825 kb
202223 AugustEmbraer EMB-135KL and Bombardier CL-600-2B19In George, ZS-ALJ on approach for Runway 11 and ZS-CMG taking off from Runway 291367ZS-ALJ and ZS-CMGDownload 1492 kb
202216 JuneBush Cat; Z194Klipriver Airfield10173ZU-EZJDownload 619 kb
Interim Reports30 October 2021Cessna 182POn approach to FAGMInterim Report ZS-PMTZS-PMTDownload 57 kb
Interim Reports10 November 2021GyrocopterApproximately 500 metres from the runway thresholdInterim Report – ZU-EHWZU-EHWDownload 146 kb
20223 JuneCessna T206HXimuwu Private Airstrip in Klaserie, Mpumalanga101682-ELLYDownload 625 kb
202209 JulyWindlass AquillaAt an open field in KwaZulu-Natal10185ZU-CJBDownload 1042 kb
202210 JulyCirrus SR20On Runway 07 at Lanseria International Airport, Gauteng10187ZS-ZIPDownload 321 kb
202230 JuneCessna 172MOn Runway 17 at Grand Central Aerodrome10189ZS-JBPDownload 727 kb
202225 JulySling 2Grass area on the left-side of Runway 20 at Morningstar Aerodrome, Western Cape10197ZU-FNNDownload 223 kb
202211 AugustPiper, PA-28-161 Warrior IIOn Runway 08 at FABW in the Western Cape10205ZS-SXSDownload 419 kb
202228 JuneDJI Phantom 4 PROGroote Schuur Hospital, Western Cape10210ZT-UKZDownload 328 kb
202224 AugustShadow Lite; Jabiru J 230Runway 08 at Beaufort West Aerodrome10213ZU-TDHDownload 336 kb
20221 SeptemberIQlaser, eBee PlusGamsberg Mine, Northern Cape10216ZT-UHLDownload 217 kb
202223 MayDJI Matrice 300 RTKBlack Rock Manganese Mine in Hotazel, Northern Cape10217ZT-XNUDownload 620 kb
202211 SeptemberStampe-Vertongen, SV-4COn the side of the mountain, approximately 1.36 kilometres north of FAKR10219ZU-SVFDownload 734 kb
202211 JulyCessna; 172MOn Runway 11 at Wonderboom Aerodrome1400ZS-JBODownload 406 kb
Preliminary Reports17 July 2022Cessna 175BWelgesind Fine Farm, near Stanford, Western CapeZS-CPOZS-CPODownload 2454 kb
20211 AugustCessna 172NLanseria International Airport (FALA) Gauteng1356ZS-SPBDownload 1022 kb
20216 NovemberAirbus A350-900Runway 03R adjacent taxiway Tango at FAOR1383ET-AYBDownload 1869 kb
202227 AprilJabiru SPOn R104 provincial road10147ZU-CIADownload 4464 kb
Interim Reports11 December 2021Aero Cam Slick-360Baragwanath Aerodrome, South of Johannesburg, GautengZU-MDAZU-MDADownload 130 kb
Preliminary Reports2 November 2021Bell 206L helicopterFochville, GautengZS-HDXZS-HDXDownload 143 kb
20217 DecemberEvektor SportStarBajadam Resort10070ZU-EIJDownload 6734 kb
202214 AugustAuto-Gyro GmbHRunway 18 at Brakpan Airfield10208ZU-RGVDownload 418 kb
202220 OctoberPiper Cherokee PA-28 -140During landing on the left-side of Runway 05 at Virginia Aerodrome10231ZS-IEIDownload 375 kb
20224 OctoberPiper 28R-200 Cherokee Arrow.Cape Winelands Aerodrome10227ZS-FYYDownload 334 kb
20229 SeptemberJora UA2On the side of the active runway at Carletonville Aerodrome10218ZU-EKIDownload 512 kb
202223 AugustSling 2On Runway 08 at Port Elizabeth International Airport10211ZU-FUSDownload 485 kb
202210 AugustJabiru J430Runway 29 (RWY29) at Orient Aerodrome10207ZU-FNSDownload 712 kb
20229 AugustRobinson R44 Raven IIStone Hill Game Farm10202ZS-RSODownload 341 kb
202217 JulyJabiru 170On the right-side of Runway 09 at Wings Park Airfield10191ZU-FXJDownload 565 kb
20221 JulyRAI-6 FoxtrotRunway (RWY) 02 at Brits Aerodrome10182ZU-IKTDownload 433 kb
202113 NovemberRobinson 22On the flat top of Maphephetha Mountain at Inanda GFA10075ZS-REHDownload 1419 kb
202224 FebruaryMooney M20FLake Naverone Airfield KwaZulu-Natal10124ZS-EUCDownload 1984 kb
202212 JuneGlaser-Dirks; DG-500MWorcester Aerodrome10172ZS-GUJDownload 330 kb
Preliminary Reports30 November 2022ELA 08BrakpanZU-DYVZU-DYVDownload 936 kb
Preliminary Reports2 January 2023Sling 4 TSiBass Lake near Henley-on-Klip, GautengZU-PPAZU-PPADownload 1506 kb
202231 AugustSling 2On Runway 19, Cape Town International Airport10215ZU-FTFDownload 581 kb
20229 AugustWindlass AquillaKaalfontein Farm, Victoria West, Northern Cape10201ZU-EKYDownload 563 kb
202219 JulyCessna C172POn Runway 11 at Wonderboom Aerodrome1403ZS-SDADownload 385 kb
202231 OctoberPPHU Ekolot; KR-030 TopazApproximately 90 metres from the threshold of Runway 28 at New Tempe Aerodrome10177ZU-EWZDownload 710 kb
202219 JulyRainbow Skyreach (Pty) Ltd; Cheetah XLSOn Runway 21 at Bapsfontein Aerodrome10195ZU-FHPDownload 787 kb
202211 AugustMooney M-20MOn Runway 08 at Port Elizabeth Airport10204ZS-TLSDownload 532 kb
20223 JanuaryJetstream 41On Runway 08 at Venetia Mine Airfield10097ZS-NRJDownload 955 kb
202220 SeptemberDassault Aviation, Falcon 2000On Runway 16 at Pietermaritzburg Airport10228ZS-PKRDownload 367 kb
Preliminary Reports13 January 2023Ayres S2R-T15Private farm in Jantjieshoek, MpumalangaZS-PNCZS-PNCDownload 662 kb
202125 AugustPiper PA-28R-200 & Boeing 737-400East London Aerodrome1368ZS-PTV & ZS-JREDownload 1427 kb
202110 JanuaryAerospatiale SE 3130-Alouette IIIn the Crocodile River 3.5nm Southwest of Brits Aerodrome, Northwest9940ZU-RAJDownload 785 kb
20214 MayJabiru 170Jejane Private Nature Reserve, Hoedspruit, Limpopo9995ZU-LEFDownload 708 kb
20226 OctoberDJI Mavic 2, Enterprise AdvancedPrivate spot, 9 nautical miles south-west of Emalahleni, Mpumalanga10235ZT-XSZDownload 429 kb
Interim Reports7 March 2022Boeing 737-800After take off from Lanseria International Aerodrome during the climbInterim Statement ZS-ZWBZS-ZWBDownload 191 kb
202226 JuneEkolot Topaz, KR-030Moorddrift Dairy Farm, Limpopo10179ZU-EZKDownload 548 kb
20222 DecemberRobinson, R44 Raven IIHelipad in front of Hangar Number 6, Rand Airport, Gauteng10237ZS-RYXDownload 308 kb
202210 NovemberDJI; Matrice 2102.3nm North of Granger Bay (South Atlantic Ocean), Western Cape10238ZT-WKEDownload 280 kb
202110 NovemberELA-08 GyrocopterFive hundred (500m) metres from Overulate Airstrip, Limpopo10072ZU-EHWDownload 2372 kb
202219 OctoberBoeing 777-260LRParking bay A3 at Cape Town International Aerodrome1401ET-ANNDownload 2992 kb
202215 OctoberDJI MATRICE, 300 RTKAnglo American Mogalakwena Platinum Mine10229ZT-XNEDownload 437 kb
202219 FebruaryAgusta Westland AW119Paarl Provincial Hospital rooftop (helistop), Western Cape1394ZT-RZSDownload 581 kb
Preliminary Reports15 January 2023Piper PA-30-160 Twin ComancheCrown Mines dumping site near NASREC, GautengZS-EAWZS-EAWDownload 1510 kb
202117 MarchWindlass Aquilla TrikeSkyland sugarcane farm, north-east of Ballito Airfield9970ZU-CPJDownload 1073 kb
202115 DecemberSling 2Approximately 2.2nm Northeast of Wonderboom Aerodrome Gauteng10095ZU-WMMDownload 596 kb
Preliminary Reports15 February 2023Jihlavan Airplanes S.R.O Skyleader 600Eagle’s Creek Aviation Estate, CenturionZU-TAMZU-TAMDownload 1148 kb
Preliminary Reports21 February 2023Beechcraft BE-76Grand Central Airport, Runway 17ZS-NSYZS-NSYDownload 1303 kb
Interim Reports8 January 2022Air Tractor AT-502APrivate farm in Elandsfontein, GautengInterim Statement ZS-XPCZS-XPCDownload 170 kb
20213 MarchHawker 4000Approximately 80 metres from the threshold of Runway 30 at Plettenberg Bay Airport1339ZS-DDTDownload 2432 kb
Preliminary Reports5 June 2022SE3160 Alouette IIIBoipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, GautengZU-RFEZU-RFEDownload 1366 kb
202328 JanuaryCessna 210Wonderboom Aerodrome, Runway 29, Gauteng10256ZS-LAPDownload 594 kb
202219 DecemberPiper PA-23-250 AztecRunway 36 at Brakpan Aerodrome, Gauteng10241ZS-OGGDownload 732 kb
202126 AugustPiper Seneca IIRunway (RWY) 21 at Springs Aerodrome, Gauteng10033ZS-KFGDownload 1237 kb
202217 SeptemberSAFARI LSAHoek Van Spruit Se Vloer Pan gravel airstrip, 5nm north of Verneukpan, Northern Cape10223ZU-IIXDownload 353 kb
20217 DecemberCessna 177 CardinalApproximately 300 metres from the threshold of RWY 31 at Baragwanath Aerodrome10087ZS-EZMDownload 1379 kb
20228 FebruaryDouglas DC3-TP67 and Boeing 737-800Approximately a7.17nm on final approach Runway 07 at Lanseria International Aerodrome, Gauteng1391ZS-ASN and ZS-ZWFDownload 794 kb
20232 JanuaryCessna 172M SkyhawkRunway 35 at Grand Central Airport10247ZS-SMKDownload 411 kb
202214 MayCessna 172N SkyhawkMiddle of Runway 29, Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng10157ZS-PYTDownload 365 kb
202213 SeptemberDJI Phantom 4 RTKKolomela Mine Klipbankfontein PIT, Northern Cape10225ZT-UJXDownload 233 kb
202120 SeptemberLearjet 35Runway 25 at Lanseria International Airport, Gauteng10041ZS-SFVDownload 2561 kb
202226 MayPiper PA-24-250Panorama Airfield perimeter fence10165ZS-CSLDownload 2769 kb
202311 JanuaryAir Tractor; AT-402AMaize field on Leeukop Farm, Deneysville, Free State10252ZS-THHDownload 1574 kb
202220 SeptemberDJI Mavic 2 ProWonderfontein Colliery, Mpumalanga10234ZT-XNGDownload 345 kb
20213 MayMagni M16 GyrocopterBaviaan Weg farm, Laingsburg9993ZU-BDYDownload 986 kb
20212 NovemberBell 206L Jet rangerOn a private farm, 16nm south-west of Fochville10064ZS-HDXDownload 1419 kb
202214 DecemberUAV Drone Solutions; KestrelHoutkop AH near Vereeniging, Gauteng10254ZT-WGGDownload 281 kb
202228 OctoberPiper PA-28-140Wonderboom Aerodrome (FAWB), Gauteng10194ZS-FORDownload 442 kb
202224 OctoberDJI Mavic 2Sun City, North West10236ZT-XWXDownload 298 kb
20229 OctoberJabiru J170Right-side of Runway 01 at Kitty Hawk Aerodrome10082ZU-IBEDownload 429 kb
Interim Reports4 July 2022Windlass Aquilla 912 TrikeRunway 22, Oudtshoorn Aerodrome, Western CapeInterim Statement ZU-FWMZU-FWMDownload 186 kb
202321 FebruaryRobinson R44 Raven IIBrisbane Farm near Pomfret, North West10272ZS-RTHDownload 1356 kb
202323 JanuaryCessna 172 ERunway 01 at Cape Town International Airport, Western Cape10253ZS-DVYDownload 859 kb
202223 DecemberCessna C210MDisplaced threshold of Runway 25 at Port Alfred Aerodrome, Eastern Cape10243ZS-KECDownload 642 kb
202303 FebruaryCessna, C172SRunway 08 at Beaufort West Aerodrome, Western Cape10222ZS-TBKDownload 412 kb
202322 FebruaryDJI Mavic 2 Enterprise AdvancedArea near ArcelloMittal steel factory in Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng10274ZT-XEADownload 409 kb
202312 JanuaryARACE; SirinAMSA Mine, Orkney, North West10261ZT-XOBDownload 237 kb
202219 OctoberRobinson R22 Beta.Ozabeni Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal10230ZS-RBMDownload 497 kb
202313 FebruaryCessna U206C Super SkywagonOn a private road, approximately 2 nautical miles (nm) north of Delta 200 Airfield, Western Cape1405ZS-ZGZDownload 1090 kb
202220 DecemberDJI Mavic EnterpriseExxaro Leeuwpan Coal Mine, Mpumalanga10263ZT-YIXDownload 361 kb
202316 JanuaryCessna 172P SkyhawkRunway 06 at Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng10250ZS-SDADownload 449 kb
202219 NovemberCessna 172ENorth-West of Runway 21 threshold at Vereeniging Airport, Gauteng10233ZS-DURDownload 772 kb
20222 MarchAgusta-Bell 206A3 Metres West of Runway 05, Virginia Aerodrome, Kwazulu-Natal10130ZS-RVPDownload 1390 kb
20221 JunePiper PA-28R-200 Cherokee Arrow IIR44 road in Firgrove, Stellenbosch10167ZS-WAPDownload 1033 kb
202210 FebruaryJabiru 430Cape Point Nature Reserve Road, Western Cape10116ZU-IKIDownload 1390 kb
202216 JulyRainbow CheetahWings Park Aerodrome RWY04, Eastern Cape Province10190ZU-ECGDownload 826 kb
20223 DecemberAtlas Angel AL-60C4M KUDUSkydive the Ranch Airfield, near Delmas Mpumalanga10239ZS-WZPDownload 580 kb
20238 JanuaryUAV Drone Solutions; CondorAnglo American Mine at Dishaba Mine, 61 Holding Section10264ZT-XFNDownload 810 kb
202329 MarchVan’s Aircraft, RV-8Runway 03 at Potchefstroom Aerodrome10281ZU-WDNDownload 1222 kb
20237 MarchRobinson R66Esselen Park Substation, Kempton Park, Gauteng1407ZT-RHBDownload 207 kb
20228 JanuaryAir Tractor AT-502AFarm Elandsfontein, Fochville, Gauteng10100ZS-XPCDownload 1950 kb
202318 FebruaryMooney M-20FOn Runway 10 at New Tempe Aerodrome10270ZS-EMHDownload 291 kb
202313 JanuaryCessna C172Runway 35 at Grand Central Airport10260ZS-TIUDownload 567 kb
202130 DecemberATR 72-600On a climb phase from FAOR1385A2-ABKDownload 1398 kb
202218 MayPiper PA-25-235D Pawnee± 910 metres from the threshold of Runway 21 at FAPS10160ZS-BTLDownload 2081 kb
202017 JuneBell 206BNew Road adjacent Grand Central Airport, Gauteng province9888ZT-RHCDownload 1045 kb
Preliminary Reports17 April 2023DE Havilland DHC-22Thorn Valley Farm, Eastern CapeZS-URCZS-URCDownload 2085 kb
202318 FebruaryPiper PA-28RLeft of Runway 08 at Silver Creek Airfield in the North West Province1406ZS-MUDDownload 485 kb
202310 MarchPiper PA28-140RWY 7, Lanseria International Airport, Gauteng10279ZS-FOHDownload 442 kb
20237 AprilMooney, M20CRunway 19 at Chitwa Chitwa Game Lodge, Hoedspruit, Limpopo1410ZS-NYUDownload 525 kb
202230 November 2022DJI, Matrice 300 RTKAt Simunye Colliery Secunda, Mpumalanga10240ZT-WWHDownload 282 kb
20223 MayPiper PA-25-235Open field at Global Positioning System (GPS) co-ordinates determined to be 29°26’9.90″ South, 030°27’15.16″ East, at an elevation of 2132ft10152ZS-AWXDownload 1972 kb
202320 FebruaryDJI, Mavic 2 Enterprise AdvancedMining area at Welverdiend Pump Station, Springbok, Mpumalanga10269ZT-YITDownload 359 kb
202328 FebruaryDJI; Mavic 2 EnterpriseNear Paulpietersburg (Dumbe), Kwa Zulu Natal1409ZT-YPHDownload 761 kb
20231 JanuaryARACE, Sirin Multirotor UAVApproximately 1.5 kilometres west of Sibanye Platinum Hex River Helipad, Rustenburg, North West10262ZT-XNLDownload 353 kb
202324 FebruaryArace SirinHendrina Power Station, Mpumalanga10268ZT-XXNDownload 453 kb
202312 AprilSolo Wings; Windlass Aquilla TrikeOn Runway 08 at Ballito Airfield, KwaZulu-Natal10283ZU-DJRDownload 937 kb
202222 NovemberDJI Phantom; 4 RTK3.68nm east of Bhongweni, near Kokstad in KwaZulu-10255ZT-XHFDownload 440 kb
Preliminary Reports28 May 2023ZU-IMBPetit Airfield (FARA)ZU-IMBZU-IMBDownload 815 kb
202224 DecemberReims Cessna; F172M SkyhawkNext to the threshold of Runway 08 at Zebula Lodge Estate Airstrip, Limpopo10244ZS-PYLDownload 1050 kb
20236 MarchAyres Corporation; S2R-T34Farm Klein Geluk, Swartfontein, Free State10277ZS-LEKDownload 1155 kb
202326 JanuarySling AircraftSunday River mouth, South-East of Colchester in the Eastern Cape1404ZU-FUSDownload 580 kb
20234 MarchPiper 28-180 CherokeeBrakpan Aerodrome (FABB), Gauteng10276ZS-DPNDownload 524 kb
20232 FebruaryDJI, Agras T30nautical miles (nm) east of Pongola CBD, KwaZulu-Natal10300ZT-XSRDownload 803 kb
202323 AprilRockwell Commander, 112TCARunway 29 at Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng10291ZS-KJUDownload 655 kb
202330 AprilArace Industrial Solutions; SirinVryheid, KwaZulu-Natal10298ZT-XNIDownload 522 kb
20233 MarchDJI Matrice, 300 RTKAECI Modderfontein, Gauteng10275ZT-YHMDownload 886 kb
202314 MayAlexander Schleicher GmbH & CO, ASW-20Private farm near Villiersdorp, Western Cape10305ZS-GMKDownload 463 kb
202323 AprilCessna; 172P SkyhawkLanseria International Airport (FALA), Gauteng10290ZS-KVWDownload 697 kb
202311 JanuaryUAV & Drone Solutions; CondorTransnet grounds in Camperdown, KwaZulu-Natal10267ZT-XOMDownload 423 kb
20238 MayArace SirinVryheid, KwaZulu-Natal10304ZT-XNIDownload 524 kb
202329 AprilArace SirinVrede, Free State10297ZT-XVMDownload 390 kb
202230 SeptemberDJI; Phantom 4Cooke Randfontein Surface Operations (RSO) Mine Dump 38, Randfontein10286ZT-UKHDownload 445 kb
20232 MarchDJI Matrice 210Mabalingwe Game Reserve in Bela-Bela, Limpopo10295ZT-WSIDownload 511 kb
202313 FebruaryWindlass Aquilla TrikeRunway 26, Paradise Beach Aerodrome, Eastern Cape10266ZU-CODDownload 636 kb
202313 AprilSchweizer 269CBushy terrain on Zoutpan Farm, Baltimore District, Limpopo10284ZT-RWJDownload 1423 kb
20234 MayDJI; Mavic 2 EnterpriseMondi Mill Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, approximately 100 metres from the launch station10301ZT-XSDDownload 669 kb
Preliminary Reports21 June 2023Air Tractor AT- 802ANooitgedacht Plantation, Ngodwana, MpumalangaZS-TFHZS-TFHDownload 2082 kb
20238 JuneMicro Aviation SA; Bat Hawk ROn S131 gravel road between Letaba and Phalaborwa in the Kruger National Park, Limpopo10326ZU-IXDDownload 1164 kb
202326 AprilArace; SirinSibanye Stillwater Mines in Hexriver dumping area, Rustenburg, North West10296ZT-YJGDownload 529 kb
202310 MayArace, SirinVrede, Free State Province10306ZT-XVMDownload 700 kb
202319 AprilArace SirinNottingham Road, on the ground approximately 20 metres from the launch pad, KwaZulu-Natal10308ZT-YAADownload 572 kb
202321 FebruaryBeechcraft BE-76 DuchessOn Runway 17, Grand Central Airport), Gauteng10271ZS-NSYDownload 2293 kb
20233 JuneCessna Aircraft Company: 185A SkywagonOn the grass, left of Runway 06 at Parys Aerodrome, Free State10321ZU-BMDDownload 385 kb
202313 JanuaryAyres S2R-T34On a private farm in Jantjieshoek10249ZS-PNCDownload 1162 kb
202217 JulyCessna 175BWelgesind Wine Farm, Stanford, Western Cape10192ZS-CPODownload 4017 kb
202315 AprilPZL “Warszawa-Okecie” PZL-104 Wilga 35Open field near Parys Aerodrome , Free State10285ZU-WASDownload 437 kb
202312 MayArace SirinLonmin Mine, near Marikana, North West10303ZT-XXCDownload 574 kb
20233 JuneICP SRL Italy; Savannah HL V6Private Airstrip at Plot 42, Mogale, Gauteng1415ZU-FKADownload 892 kb
202330 MayArace SirinZungwini near Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal10315ZT-XURDownload 420 kb
202324 AprilDJI Mavic 2 Enterprise6 Nautical miles north-east of Dumbe, KwaZulu-Natal10293ZT-XSHDownload 930 kb
202316 JuneArace SirinVryheid, KwaZulu-Natal1418ZT-XVWDownload 562 kb
202310 AprilEkolot JK-05-JuniorPrivate Farm in Piketburg, Western Cape10309ZU-FCBDownload 301 kb
202311 JuneArace SirinNigel, Gauteng10330ZT-YOSDownload 784 kb
202229 DecemberPremier Aviation; Cullinan PA290EGrootegeluk Mine in Lephalale, Limpopo10316ZT-WWRDownload 433 kb
202323 MayPiper Cherokee, PA 28-140Runway 07 at Laseria International Airport, Gauteng10310ZS-IKYDownload 600 kb
202313 JuneRobinson; R22 BetaOn taxiway at Grand Central Airport, Gauteng10329ZS-HXUDownload 497 kb
20236 JuneCondor VTOLSeriti Mine in Viljoensdrif, Free State10323ZT-XGKDownload 707 kb
20239 JuneCessna, C182NPrivate Airstrip in Waterval, Limpopo10328ZS-IINDownload 403 kb
202310 JuneArace SirinSibanye Stillwater, Protection Services, Carletonville, Gauteng1416ZT-WZRDownload 440 kb
202327 MayArace; SirinHarmony Savuka Mine, Gauteng10311ZT-XODDownload 612 kb
202324 AprilDa-Jiang Innovations (DJI); Mavic 2 EnterpriseSyferfontein Mine, Mpumalanga10292ZT-UZYDownload 460 kb
202315 FebruaryMatrice 300Chilwavhusika Mine in Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng10317ZT-XCIDownload 849 kb
202315 JuneDJI; Mavic 2 Enterprise AdvancedBokgoni Colliery Mine, Mpumalanga1417ZT-XSGDownload 527 kb
20238 JulyHughes Helicopters; 269CVaalkrans Game Farm near Makhanda, Eastern Cape1420ZS-HEWDownload 1567 kb
20224 JulyWindlass Aquila 912Oudtshoorn Aerodrome, Western Cape1398ZU-FWMDownload 1317 kb
20227 MarchBoeing 737-800During climb from Lanseria International Airport, Gauteng1395ZS-ZWBDownload 1845 kb
20219 OctoberRotorWay Executive 162FMorning Star Aerodrome10051ZU-RDXDownload 1913 kb
20238 JulyHughes Helicopters; 269CVaalkrans Game Farm near Makhanda, Eastern Cape14201ZS-HEWDownload 1913 kb
Preliminary Reports29 August 2023Micro Wings Cubby, Tri CubbyRidgemont Farm, Robertson District, Western CapeZU-EIBZU-EIBDownload 1826 kb
20231 JuneArace; SirinOpen area at Glen Marais Warehouse, Gauteng1413ZT-YKIDownload 1313 kb
Preliminary Reports10 March 2023Beechcraft 1900DTaxiway India at FAORZS-PKBZS-PKBDownload 725 kb
Preliminary Reports2 September 2023Apollo TOpen field near New Tempe AerodromeZU-IHAZU-IHADownload 902 kb
20235 MayRans; S-6 Coyote IIRunway 31, Wag-n-Bietjie Game Safari, Northern Cape Province10302ZU-EWUDownload 738 kb
202328 MayArace SirinWelgedacht near Springs, Gauteng10313ZT-XDTDownload 243 kb
202310 MayArace Sirin6nm south of Balfour, Mpumalanga10307ZT-YHRDownload 759 kb
20239 JuneArace SirinTransnet pipelines at Watloo DSV near Mamelodi, Gauteng10325ZT-XWGDownload 374 kb
20237 JuneCessna T210MBethulie Airstrip, Free State10324ZS-MVIDownload 643 kb
202311 JulyRobinson R44 Raven IIBoesmanskraal Safaris Private Farm10349ZS-ORGDownload 293 kb
20234 JulyArace SirinOpen field in Panbult near Piet Retief, Mpumalanga10344ZT-XRXDownload 432 kb
202329 JunePiper PA22-108On the right side of Runway 36, Brakpan Airfield, Gauteng10341ZS-OKVDownload 300 kb
202320 JuneDJI; MAVIC 2 Enterprise AdvancedNavigation Colliery Mine, Witbank, Mpumalanga10366ZT-YLLDownload 309 kb
20232 JuneArace Sirin3.4 nm north-east of Wonderboom Airport, Gauteng1414ZT-XOADownload 238 kb
202323 JulyPiper; PA28-161 Warrior IIIWest of Runway 07 at Lanseria International Airport, Gauteng1422ZS-PPBDownload 351 kb
202330 JunePiper PA28-161On Runway 34 at Grahamstown Airport, Eastern Cape1419ZS-OVY.Download 561 kb
Preliminary Reports5 October 2023Titan Tornado SWinterbach Boerdery Farm, CeresZU-ITAZU-ITADownload 848 kb
Preliminary Reports21 October 2023Beechcraft Sundowner C231 kilometre east of Runway 20 threshold at FABL, Free StateZS-JKEZS-JKEDownload 1852 kb
202331 MaySensefly; eBee XKlipspruit Mine near Ogies10319ZT-XHADownload 827 kb
202321 JuneArace SirinPiet Retief, Mpumalanga10338ZT-XNKDownload 502 kb
202330 JuneBathawk360 metres north of the Main Road, Westonaria10342ZT-UOZDownload 527 kb
202312 AugustPiper; PA 22-150 Tri-pacerOn the grass next to Runway 21, Vereeniging Airfield10359ZU-AKEDownload 645 kb
202315 AugustRobinson; R44 Raven IIKromvlei (FAD 183), located 7.8nm southwest of FAGM10360ZS-RVGDownload 326 kb
20235 OctoberGrob Burkhart Flugzeugbua; Astir CS 77Open field, southwest of FAPS, North West10371ZS-GWNDownload 1035 kb
20237 AugustCessna; 208BMala Mala Airfield1424ZS-JEMDownload 1284 kb
202321 AugustCessna C172Lanseria International Airport, Gauteng1428ZS-STPDownload 654 kb
202231 DecemberAir Tractor Inc; AT502APowerlines on the north-side of the maize field at Cornelia Farm, Free State1429ZS-AVADownload 285 kb
202330 AprilCessna 208BMadikwe West Aerodrome, North West1412ZS-LECDownload 1747 kb
20238 SeptemberRobinson Helicopter; R44 Raven IIPrins Farm Rustenburg District, North West10364ZS-RKKDownload 706 kb
20233 JuneCessna 172FRunway 35 at Bona-Bona Airstrip near Wolmaransstad, North West10322ZS-EDIDownload 628 kb
Preliminary Reports1 November 2023Beechcraft B1900DPort Elizabeth AirportZS-OKNZS-OKNDownload 727 kb
20236 JulyMavic 2; Enterprise AdvancedArcelor Mittal near Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng10347ZT-YPMDownload 489 kb
202323 JulyH3 Aerospace GmbH & Co KG; Grob 109BRunway 24, Parys Aerodrome, Free State1423ZS-UZVDownload 393 kb
202315 SeptemberSling 2Runway 16 at Pietermaritzburg Aerodrome10365ZU-JARDownload 535 kb
202315 JuneDJI; Matrice 300 RTAnglo American Platinum, Mogalakwena Mine, Limpopo10332ZT-XHUDownload 344 kb
202314 SeptemberCessna 185EPort Alfred Aerodrome, Eastern Cape10367ZU-JGMDownload 607 kb
202310 JulyArace; SirinDipaleseng near Balfour, Mpumalanga10348ZT-YFWDownload 855 kb
20234 AugustPiper-28R-200 & Piper-28-180Port Alfred Aerodrome, Eastern Cape1425ZS-JLD & ZS-JGDDownload 635 kb
202318 JuneDJI, Phantom 4Mooivallei Potchefstroom, North West10339ZT-UXDDownload 264 kb
202326 JuneArace SirinPrivate Farm in Embalenhle, Mpumalanga10340ZT-YWODownload 324 kb
202327 JulySavannah Aircraft Africa; Savannah S15 metres west of Runway 35 at Hoedspruit Civil Aerodrome10355ZU-IOZDownload 600 kb
202315 AugustAermacchi; Bosbok AM-3COn gravel road at Rooiberg area1427ZU-ADMDownload 521 kb
202330 SeptemberRobinson R44; Raven IIGazania Street, Pine Ridge, Emalahleni10370ZS-RXYDownload 1033 kb
202330 SeptemberBushbaby ExplorerMorningstar Aerodrome, Western Cape1431ZU-AXTDownload 348 kb
202329 JuneArace; SirinSasol Syferfontein Mine in Secunda, Mpumalanga10343ZT-XXMDownload 739 kb
202314 OctoberRobinson; R44 Raven IIDwarsfontein Farm near Lephalale, Limpopo10379ZT-RLPDownload 989 kb
202313 AugustCessna 177 RGPrince Albert Airport, Western Cape10358ZS-TKPDownload 401 kb
202230 NovemberEla 08 GyroplaneNear the quarry in Brakpan10221ZU-DYVDownload 1930 kb
Preliminary Reports23 November 2023Robinson R44, Raven IIOpen field east of Ultimate Heli facilityZS-PSZZS-PSZDownload 1144 kb
Preliminary Reports23 November 2023Piper, PA-28-180 CherokeeApproximately 1.38nm from Vereeniging Airfield Runway 03ZS-CZRZS-CZRDownload 657 kb
Preliminary Reports26 October 2023Robinson 44 Raven IIMarataba Mountain Lodge, LimpopoZT-RBUZT-RBUDownload 658 kb
Preliminary Reports26 November 2023Micro Aviation SA; Bat Hawk RGrassland Airfield, Centurion, GautengZU-XCOZU-XCODownload 1004 kb
202210 FebruaryBoeing 737-800During climb between FL260 and FL2701392ZS-ZWDDownload 1334 kb
20232 AprilCessna C310QDuring taxi at Rand Aerodrome on RWY 3510278ZS-IIIDownload 2054 kb
20237 AprilTL-2000 StingLeft side of Runway 03 at Potchefstroom Aerodrome, North West10282ZU-DPKDownload 710 kb
202310 OctoberKitplanes for Africa; SafariR381 road between Loxton and Beaufort West, Western Cape10374ZU-ITUDownload 610 kb
20235 NovemberZenith, Zodiac CH 601HDApproximately 70 metres (m) south of Runway 02 threshold at Klipriver Airfield10386ZU-IOXDownload 441 kb
20236 NovemberSling IIRunway 26 at Port Elizabeth International Airport10385ZU-IAEDownload 385 kb
202316 JulyRobinson; R44 Raven IPlot 31 in Wheatlands, Randfontein, Gauteng10354ZS-RTNDownload 659 kb
Preliminary Reports16 December 2023Piper PA-28-161Plettenberg Bay AirfieldPreliminary Report – ZS-TDJZS-TDJDownload 748 kb
202320 OctoberCessna 172 MRunway 29 at Wonderboom Aerodrome10377ZS-PMKDownload 316 kb
20231 OctoberCessna T210NOn a private farm situated 0.8 nautical miles south-west of take-off from a private farm, Varksfontein, Limpopo10369ZS-MTMDownload 656 kb
20236 OctoberCirrus Aircraft; SR22Treverton College Airstrip in Mooi River, KwaZulu-Natal10373ZS-CFNDownload 332 kb
20235 SeptemberPiper; PA-28-140 CherokeeKimberley Aerodrome, Northern Cape10363ZS-EKIDownload 259 kb
202328 OctoberPiper; PA28-180 CherokeePrivate farm in Bela-Bela, Limpopo10383ZS-MKYDownload 381 kb
202327 SeptemberCessna 182-FOn a private holding, 980 metres north-east of Mossel Bay Aerodrome10368ZS-CXXDownload 725 kb
202310 MarchBeechcraft 1900DO.R. Tambo International Airport Taxiway1408ZS-PKBDownload 797 kb
20232 JanuarySling 4 TSiBass Lake near Henley on Klip10246ZU-PPADownload 2181 kb
202327 OctoberBlackshape/Rossouw JJ V.B-560Runway 22 at Oudtshoorn Airport, Western Cape10382ZU-TFADownload 461 kb
20232 SeptemberApollo TOn the maizefield west of New Tempe Aerodrome10362ZU-IHADownload 1081 kb
202302 AugustFlight Design GMBH, CTSWOn Runway 28 at Robertson Airfield, Western Cape10356ZU-ELZDownload 1114 kb
20234 AugustFlight Design GMBH, BushbabyRunway 05 at Cape Winelands Aerodrome, Western Cape10357ZU-AWHDownload 393 kb
20232 DecemberCessna Aircraft Company; 182SKlipfontein Farm, Mpumalanga10397ZS-OCWDownload 889 kb
202310 NovemberAirplane Factory; Sling IIOn the left of Runway 17 at Hoedspruit Civil Airfield10388ZU-TAEDownload 539 kb
202322 DecemberRobbinson R44 Raven IISeven Oaks Farm near Dalton, KwaZulu-Natal10403ZS-RTJDownload 900 kb
202315 NovemberPiper-28-140Runway 26 at Bethlehem Aerodrome, Free State10389ZS-ESUDownload 569 kb
202318 NovemberGrob-Burkhaart Flugzeugbau, Twin Astir gliderOpen field near Brits Airfield10390ZS-GPDDownload 475 kb
202313 JanuaryJabiru; J400Runway 09 at Rhino Park Airfield, Gauteng10251ZU-ISKDownload 438 kb
202330 JanuaryBeechcraft E33 BonanzaPortion 2 Hermannsburg 450 JJ10258ZS-IBXDownload 2668 kb
Preliminary Reports29 January 2024Beechcraft King Air C90ARunway 17 at Bona-Bona Lodge AirfieldZS-FONZS-FONDownload 987 kb
Preliminary Reports15 February 2024Bell 407Runway 35, at Grand Central AerodromeZS-RLSZS-RLSDownload 1083 kb
202423 JanuarySling 2Runway 09 Rhino Park Airfield10412ZU-FWNDownload 483 kb
202327 DecemberRans Aircraft; S-21Runway 20 at Craigcor Private Airstrip10405ZU-ITJDownload 891 kb
202322 DecemberSky RangerPrivate Farm near Bapsfontein, Gauteng10404ZU-EZADownload 476 kb
202313 DecemberJabiru; J430Rhino Park Airfield Runway 0910400ZU-TSMDownload 686 kb
202327 NovemberSling 2Open field near Krugersdrift Dam, Free State10395ZU-IILDownload 674 kb
202315 NovemberBantam; B22JRietvlei in the Karoo National Park, Western Cape10394ZU-FMVDownload 591 kb
20239 DecemberSavanna SHill Side, Nottingham, KwaZulu-10399ZU-IVWDownload 500 kb
20233 July 2023Duet Pro ParagliderAtlantic Ocean, approximately 114m from the shoreline10346.N/ADownload 1623 kb
202315 FebruarySkyleader 600314m From the threshold of Runway 26 at Eagle’s Creek Aviation Airfield, Centurion10265ZU-TAMDownload 1342 kb
202413 JanuaryBat HawkSugarcane plantation in Malalane, Mpumalanga10409ZU-IWXDownload 853 kb
202415 FebruaryPiper PA-28-140Left of Runway 29 at Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng10420ZS-JLFDownload 951 kb
20241 FebruaryPiper; PA-28-140Runway 29 at Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng10416ZS-ELLDownload 876 kb
202411 JanuaryPiper; PA-28-140General Flying Area 1, centre field sugar bean plantation, Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng1436ZS-EOZDownload 686 kb
202430 JanuaryXenon 2 RSTMorningstar Airfield, Western Cape10418ZU-RDYDownload 349 kb
202411 JanuaryRavin 500Runway 28, Mossel Bay Aerodrome, Western Cape10410ZU-TNFDownload 395 kb
202320 DecemberBell 407T299 Majuba Venus, 20.2nm north of Ladysmith Airfield, KwaZulu-Natal10406ZS-RXODownload 655 kb
Preliminary Reports26 October 2023Flugplatz SC01 B-160Zandspruit Aero Estate, LimpopoZU-MWGZU-MWGDownload 1667 kb
Preliminary Reports11 October 2023Piper Pawnee, PA-25-260Kroonstad AirfieldZS-JTWZS-JTWDownload 1205 kb
Preliminary Reports21 April 2024Boeing 737-800O.R. Tambo International Aerodrome, GautengZS-FGEZS-FGEDownload 2648 kb
202423 FebruaryMurphy Rebel EliteRunway 35 at Zandspruit Bush & Aero Estate, Limpopo10425F-PAFRDownload 620 kb
20242 MarchShadow Lite CC; Jabiru J430Runway 17 at Bona-Bona Airfield, North West10428ZU-FNSDownload 1020 kb
20247 FebruarySling 4Buffeldoorn Farm in Klerksdorp, North West1441ZU-ADSDownload 380 kb
202311 NovemberAlexander Schleicher GMBH & CO., ASW-20FOn a farm near Tulbagh, 22 nautical miles north-west of Worcester Aerodrome, Western Cape10435ZS-GNKDownload 818 kb
202416 FebruaryTextron Aviation; Beach Baron 58Runway 22 at Nelspruit Airport, Mpumalanga10421ZS-MBTDownload 733 kb
202421 FebruaryUrban Air S.R.O., Samba XLThe right side of Runway 01 at Ingwelala Aerodrome, Mpumalanga10427ZU-DKLDownload 2094 kb
20249 MarchPiper Aircraft Corporation; PA-28-180Runway 04 at Mahikeng Aerodrome, North West10430ZS-CJGDownload 341 kb
Preliminary Reports12 April 2024Vans RV4Tedderfield Aerodrome (FATA)ZU-AVMZU-AVMDownload 1204 kb
202328 MayDyn’Aéro MCR4STranquillity Spa Lodge, Gauteng10312ZU-IMBDownload 852 kb
202418 MarchYakovlev; Yak 55Karoo Gateway Aerodrome (FABW)10432ZU-DSHDownload 565 kb
Preliminary Reports21 April 2024Cessna 172 RGBlesbok Coal MineZS-KNEZS-KNEDownload 1116 kb
Preliminary Reports8 May 2024Orion CubKrugersdorp Aerodrome, GautengZU-COBZU-COBDownload 465 kb
20241 MarchBeechcraft; BE20Runway (RWY) 02 Kalahari Gold Mine Airstrip, North West10429ZS-TKIDownload 1277 kb
202429 MarchAeroprakt Ltd; A22Grass area on the edge of N14 close to Runway 26 at Eagle’s Creek Aviation Estate10436ZU-DYEDownload 492 kb
202431 MarchCessna; 172 RG30 metres from the end of Runway 30 at Goodside Private Airfield, Mpumalanga10437ZS-LLYDownload 1355 kb
202420 MarchPiper Cherokee, PA-28 -140On Runway 07 at Lanseria International Airport, Gauteng10434ZS-MLFDownload 577 kb
202419 FebruaryRobinson; R44 Raven IIElandsheuwel farm near Potchefstroom, North West10422ZT-RBZDownload 1316 kb
202415 JanuaryThrush Aircraft Inc; S2R-H80Rooidraai Farm near Winterton in KwaZulu-Natal1437ZS-ARTDownload 1139 kb
202410 MarchJabiru J430Elandsbaai Nature Reserve, Western Cape10431ZU-URIDownload 565 kb
202412 AprilPiper Aircraft; PA-28R-201Approximately 2 nautical miles (nm) west of Hamburg, Eastern Cape1445ZS-SYFDownload 499 kb
202315 JanuaryPiper PA-30-160 Twin ComancheCrown Mines dump site near National Recreation Centre (NASREC)10248ZS-EAWDownload 1718 kb
202318 JuneMavic 2 Enterprise AdvancedBeatrix West Mine, Welkom, Free State10333ZT-YIR (10333)Download 869 kb
202319 JuneCessna 172K SkyhawkOn Runway 35 at Grand Central Aerodrome, Gauteng1043ZS-LXEDownload 423 kb
202312 DecemberVan’s RV7Runway 01 at Kitty Hawk Aerodrome, Gauteng1434ZU-FZADownload 617 kb
20238 NovemberCessna 172MOn Taxiway D at Wonderboom Airport, Gauteng1432ZS-SPO & ZS-SLYDownload 1095 kb
20242 AprilCirrus Design Corporation; SR22On Runway 05 at Grootville Airfield in Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal10438ZS-ZZZDownload 696 kb
202323 NovemberRobinson R44 Raven IIOpen field approximately 1.5 nautical miles (nm) south of Ultimate Heli, Midrand, Gauteng10391ZS-PSZDownload 1343 kb
202427 JanuaryAyres S2R-T34 Turbo ThrushSouthern side of Ermelo Airfield (FAEO)10414ZS-LUWDownload 1562 kb
Preliminary Reports10 May 2024Savannah SRiver North AirfieldZU-ITLZU-ITLDownload 704 kb
202321 JuneAir Tractor AT- 802ANooitgedacht Plantation (SAPPI) in Ngodwana, Mpumalanga10337ZS-TFHDownload 2793 kb
202425 JanuaryPioneer FlightStarPloughed field, approximately 500 metres south-east of Devondale private airstrip, Barkley West, Nothern Cape10413ZU-VDDDownload 1958 kb
202327 JanuaryCessna 172M SkyhawkTaxiway Delta at Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng10257ZS-SNSDownload 737 kb
Preliminary Reports11 June 2024Cessna 182TD3732 public road, LimpopoZS-UROZS-URODownload 972 kb
Preliminary Reports8 June 2024Jabiru J160500 metres (m) from the threshold of Runway 19 at Stellenbosch AerodromeZU-DWKZU-DWKDownload 937 kb
202430 AprilPiper PA-34-200TWonderboom Airport on Runway 11, Gauteng10447ZS-MGWDownload 939 kb
202414 MayPiper PA-28 180FLeft of Runway 10L at Port Alfred Aerodrome, Eastern Cape10454ZS-IKJDownload 548 kb
202420 FebruaryPiper; PA 34-220TGrand Central Airport, Gauteng10423ZS-LPMDownload 528 kb
202426 MarchCessna 172LRunway 35 at Grand Central Aerodrome, Gauteng10440ZS-IOIDownload 298 kb
20245 MayCessna, T210LOn Runway 01 at New Tempe Aerodrome, Free State10448ZS-NVMDownload 415 kb
202421 AprilJabiru J430Nandoni Private Airstrip, Thohoyandou, Limpopo10446ZU-MJMDownload 415 kb
202419 MarchPiper PA-44-180Runway 29 at George Aerodrome, Western Cape10433ZS-TAIDownload 407 kb
20242 FebruaryFoxbatRunway 19 at Stellenbosch Airfield, Western Cape1439ZU-EJBDownload 408 kb
202312 JulyAirbus A380-841Approximately 60nm south of the ETMIT waypoint1421G-XLEHDownload 2732 kb
Preliminary Reports15 July 202415 July 2024Open field next to a Ga-Rankuwa informal settlement, GautengZU-IEZZU-IEZDownload 1050 kb
202315 JulyUFM-13 LambadaApproximately 100 metres (m) south-west of Runway 36 at Orient Airfield in Magaliesburg, Gauteng10351ZS-GMDDownload 1065 kb
20246 MayCessna 402BDeza Private Aerodrome, Thabazimbi, Limpopo310449ZS-MBHDownload 379 kb
202411 MayAveko VL-3 FlamingoRunway 19 at Kitty Hawk Airfield10451ZU-FIPDownload 880 kb
20246 JuneKitfox IILeft side of Runway 32 at Paradise Creek Game Farm10459ZU-PATDownload 328 kb
202311 JulyThrush S2R-H80Droeivlei Farm, approximately 10km south of Malmesbury10350ZS-ARCDownload 2004 kb
202313 AugustPilatus PC 12 and Cessna 172At 6 000 ft on right downwind Runway 07 at Lanseria International Airport1426ZS-TWF and ZS-CPLDownload 703 kb
202415 AprilSling 4 TSIOpen field near Touws River, Western Cape10441ZU-MNDDownload 972 kb
202410 FebruaryPaul Grobler; RV-7Private Airstrip near Bonnievale, Western Cape10456ZU-FURDownload 664 kb
202422 MayPiper PA-28-235Runway 31 at Ermelo Aerodrome, Mpumalanga1451ZS-FOWDownload 1403 kb
202420 MayRobinson, R22 Beta IIAlldays Game Pens in Limpopo Provinc10462ZS-HGSDownload 1376 kb
202421 AprilCessna; C402CRWY 35 at Kalahari Lion Safaris Airfield in North West10444ZS-NVEDownload 372 kb
202427 MaySling 4TSIRunway 23 Virginia Aerodrome, KwaZulu-Natal10457ZU-WNWDownload 719 kb
20242 JulySolo Wings; Windlass AquillaIn the Hlimbitwa River near Blythedale Beach in KwaZulu-Natal10468ZU-CCJDownload 1368 kb
202422 JuneKitplanes for Africa; KFA BushbabyRunway 35 at Zandspruit Aero Estate in Hoedspruit, Limpopo1452ZU-IJCDownload 270 kb
202430 MayYakovlev; YAK52Runway 22 at Wings Park Aerodrome near East London, Eastern Cape10458ZU-EWJDownload 574 kb
202402 JulyBellanca; Citabria 7CKABOpen field outside Klipriver Airfield in Meyerton, Gauteng10469ZS-FKLDownload 330 kb
202430 MarchKitplanes for Africa; Explorer UL-600On a dirt road, north of the N2 National Road and south of Rondevlei between the towns of Wilderness and Sedgefield in the Western Cape1444ZU-MXKDownload 375 kb
202319 AprilGuimbal Cabri G2Open field (farmland) approximately 1.6nm west of Mossel Bay Aerodrome, Western Cape10288ZS-HKCDownload 2946 kb
202422 JunePiper PA-28-180On Runway 29 at Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng10466ZS-CZUDownload 284 kb
202417 FebruaryConstruczioni Aeronautiche; Tecnam P-92Open field, approximately 20 nautical miles north-east of Bram Fischer International Airport, Free State1440ZS-PWRDownload 667 kb
202429 AprilSkyReach Aircraft; Cheetah XLS BushcatRunway 19 at Vryheid Airfield, KwaZulu-Natal10455ZU-ITVDownload 336 kb
Preliminary Reports22 August 2024Embraer ERJ-135LROverhead PotchefstroomZS-OUVZS-OUVDownload 595 kb
202130 OctoberCessna 182PApproximately 1.2 nautical miles (nm) west of Rand Airport, Gauteng10062ZS-PMTDownload 2400 kb
20226 OctoberLS1 GliderOn a private farm, approximately 20 kilometres (km) north-west of Klerksdorp Aerodrome10212ZS-GKLDownload 210 kb
20228 AugustBeechcraft, Baron 58Runway 11 at Richmond Aerodrome, KwaZulu-Natal10203ZS-OABDownload 1325 kb
202421 FebruaryCessna 172KApproximately 211 metres to the left of Runway 13 threshold of Baragwanath Aerodrome, Gauteng10424ZS-FJUDownload 1527 kb
202321 OctoberBeechcraft Sundowner C23One kilometre east of Bram Fischer International Airport (FABL) RWY 2010378ZS-JKEDownload 1604 kb
Preliminary Reports11 September 2024Piper PA 34-200T Seneca IIBrakpan AirportZS-MCRZS-MCRDownload 856 kb
202423 AprilVan’s Aircraft; RV14During the landing roll on Runway 19 at Stellenbosch Airfield, Western Cape10445ZU-IWADownload 184 kb
202423 JuneBell Textron: B206L-3 Long Ranger IIIEva’s Airfield, approximately 11 nautical miles (nm) north-west of Pietermaritzburg Airport, KwaZulu-Natal10467ZS-RUMDownload 758 kb
202431 AugustCessna; C172LApproximately 850 metres (m) from the threshold of Runway 35 at Grand Central Airport, Gauteng10485ZS-IOIDownload 454 kb
202418 AugustCessna C150FOn the grass near the hangar at Margate Airport, KwaZulu-Natal10479ZS-EGZDownload 464 kb
202418 JuneUrban Air S.R.O; Samba UFM-10On Runway 01 during landing at New Tempe Aerodrome, Free State10465ZU-CUDDownload 429 kb
202423 AugustShadow Lite CC; Jabiru J230During the take-off roll on Runway 09 at Rhino Park Airfield, Gauteng10482ZU-SELDownload 352 kb
202420 AugustRobinson R44 II and Sling 4Early left downwind Runway 35 helicopter circuit at Grand Central Aerodrome, Gauteng1453ZT-RFJ and ZU-TEXDownload 575 kb
202415 JuneAeroprakt; A-22 FoxbatApproximately 12.5 metres (m) beyond the end of Runway 17 at NB Safaris Airstrip, Limpopo Province10464ZU-DSSDownload 173 kb
20249 AugustShadow Lite CC; Jabiru SPTo the left of Runway 35 at Grand Central Aerodrome, Gauteng10477ZU-CNIDownload 481 kb
202419 JunePiper; PA-38-112 TomahawkRunway 19 at Cape Town International Airport10463ZS-PIBDownload 285 kb
202411 MayMagni Gyro; M-22Private farm outside Delareyville Aerodrome, North West Province10453ZU-EGADownload 157 kb
202420 JanuaryComp Air Inc; 7 SLXOpen field north-east of Carletonville Aerodrome10411ZU-FFTDownload 431 kb
20248 MayOrion CubApproximately 2 kilometres (km) north of Krugersdorp Aerodrome, Gauteng10450ZU-COBDownload 574 kb
20231 NovemberBeechcraft B1900 DPort Elizabeth Airport, Eastern Cape Province10387ZS-OKNDownload 516 kb
202423 AugustShadow Lite CC; Jabiru J230During the take-off roll on Runway 09 at Rhino Park Airfield, Gauteng10482ZU-SELDownload 352 kb
202329 AugustTri CubbyRidgemont Farm near Robertson, Western Cape10361ZU-EIBDownload 2337 kb
Preliminary Reports28 September 2024De Havilland DH-82ADirt road near R42 and R551, GautengZS-BGNZS-BGNDownload 814 kb
Preliminary Reports5 October 2024Jabiru, J400On Runway 13 at Ermelo AerodromeZU-JBAZU-JBADownload 637 kb
202422 AprilShadow Lite CC, J160On a gravel road in a private farm at Brandfort, north-east of New Tempe Aerodrome1448ZU-DXZDownload 376 kb
20246 MaySling 2 LSARunway 16 at Pietermaritzburg Airport10497ZU-WESDownload 475 kb
202426 MarchBombardier CL-600-2B19En route to George Airport at FL3001442ZS-CMKDownload 828 kb
20245 SeptemberPiper PA-32RT-300TOn a road in Algoa Park residential area10490ZS-NSXDownload 766 kb
20241 SeptemberShadow Lite CC; Jabiru 430On Runway 12 at Woodman Farm Airstrip near Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape10486ZU-EMVDownload 844 kb
202415 AugustSling Aircraft Factory, Sling 2Runway 25 at Lanseria International Airport10478ZU-FVUDownload 423 kb
202429 AugustShadow Lite CC; Jabiru J430During landing on Runway 29 at Secunda Aerodrome10484ZU-PPLDownload 683 kb
202416 SeptemberRobinson R22 Beta IISterkfontein Farm near Petrusburg, Free State10496ZS-RWUDownload 765 kb
202430 SeptemberCessna 172ERunway 11 at Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng10504ZS-FPXDownload 620 kb
202414 SeptemberKitplanes for Africa; BushbabyTo the left of Runway 35 at Zandspruit Aerodrome, Limpopo10492ZU-IJCDownload 1283 kb
20244 SeptemberCessna T210LRunway 34 at Kego Mine Aerodrome, Mpumalanga10488ZS-MSADownload 784 kb
Preliminary Reports15 October 2024Magni Gyro; M-24 OrionHanglip Mountain in Louis TrichardtZU-RGRZU-RGRDownload 1514 kb
20245 SeptemberThe Airplane Factory; Sling 2On Runway 05 at Richards Bay Airport (FARB), KwaZulu-Natal10489ZU-STBDownload 519 kb
Preliminary ReportsNovember 2024Jabiru J170Carlsruhe Private Game ReserveZU-IBEZU-IBEDownload 1885 kb
202416 SeptemberRobinson R44 Raven IIUneven terrain at Doornhaag Farm, North West10495ZT-RBYDownload 808 kb
202410 OctoberYakovlev Aircraft Factories; Yak 52Near the threshold of Runway 02 at Kimberley Aerodrome, Northern Cape10512ZU-CWKDownload 352 kb
20241 OctoberPiper PA-28-181Runway 22 at Mafikeng Aerodrome, North West10503ZS-LCCDownload 334 kb
20241 AugustSchweizer Helicopter Corporation; 269CAlpha Farm in Jakkalsfontein, Free State Province10474ZS-HEMDownload 692 kb
20243 OctoberAutogyro GMBH; CalidusOn Runway 16 at Dibeng Airfield, Northen Cape10507ZU-RHNDownload 512 kb
202426 SeptemberPiper PA28-180 CherokeeRight side of Runway 36, at Brakpan Aerodrome, Gauteng10499ZS-FTBDownload 503 kb
202429 JanuaryBeechcraft King Air C90ARunway 17 at Bona-Bona Lodge Airfield, North West10415ZS-FONDownload 2542 kb
Preliminary Reports27 October 2024Boeing 737-800Lanseria International Airport, GautengZS-ZWYZS-ZWYDownload 1568 kb
202326 NovemberBat HawkGrasslands Airfield, Centurion, Gauteng10393ZU-XCODownload 910 kb
Preliminary Reports21 November 2024Airbus AS350B3Open field near Midstream, Centurion, GautengZS-RWGZS-RWGDownload 1174 kb
Preliminary Reports1 December 2024CubbyHighway Airfield (also known as Knysna Airfield)ZU-DWYZU-DWYDownload 1169 kb
Preliminary Reports11 December 2024Piper PA-28-180Outside Springs Airfield on an open field with an uneven surface.ZS-ISIZS-ISIDownload 972 kb
Preliminary Reports14 December 2024Piper PA-38-112Saldanha Aerodrome (FASD), Western CapeZS-KHZZS-KHZDownload 1881 kb
202415 JulySling Aircraft; Sling 4 TSIAbout 2 kilometres (km) west of Runway 29 threshold at Tedderfield Aerodrome10472ZU-PBLDownload 1285 kb
202421 NovemberCessna Aircraft Company; C172K SkyhawkAt a nursery in Glen Austin residential area, north-east of Grand Central Aerodrome, Gauteng10525ZS-FXXDownload 614 kb
202423 SeptemberSkystar Aircraft Company; Kit Fox 7 SSRaap en Skraap Private Airstrip, Northern Cape10500ZU-FOADownload 556 kb
202425 SeptemberKitplanes for Africa; Kitplanes SafariRWY09 at Wings Park Aerodrome, Eastern Cape10498ZU-JOGDownload 360 kb
202425 SeptemberBabst C. F; Carl Babst Raven Z090Runway 02 at Elandsvlei Farm, Piketberg, Western Cape10513ZU-IGPDownload 946 kb
20235 OctoberTitan Tornado SBushy terrain near a farm located west of Ceres Airfield10372ZU-ITADownload 969 kb
20249 JanuaryKitplanes for Africa; Bushbaby ExplorerRunway 15 at Rexfield Airfield, East London, Eastern Cape10408ZU-ELCDownload 505 kb
202317 NovemberSolowings, Windlass AquillaOn a field, south of Tugela River and 3nm south of Isithebe, KwaZulu-Natal1433ZU-BGYDownload 435 kb
202329 DecemberAir Tractor AT-502A and Cessna T182TArena Farm, Carletonville District10407ZS-XPC and ZS-STDDownload 794 kb
202314 OctoberJodel F12ASprings Aerodrome, Gauteng10376ZS-UJMDownload 4287 kb
20239 DecemberCessna Aircraft Company; C172P SkyhawkRunway 06 at Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng10398ZS-SDADownload 357 kb
202322 FebruaryBeechcraft Baron BE55R43 road, 3.7km from Runway 15, Pearly Beach Private Airstrip, Western Cape10273ZS-OKSDownload 1235 kb
202320 DecemberPiper Aircraft Corporation; PA25-235Noods Hulp Private Farm, Ottosdal, North West10402ZS-FDTDownload 586 kb
20232 DecemberPiper Aircraft Corporation; PA 28-140 CherokeePrivate farm, 7 nautical miles from Klerksdorp Airfield10396ZS-ESWDownload 560 kb
20234 NovemberBeech Aircraft Corporation; G35 BonanzaRunway 04, Lydenburg Airfield, Mpumalanga10384ZS-DOBDownload 426 kb
202410 MayDe Haviland; DH-82A Tiger Moth IIOn the N1 Highway, approximately 12 nautical miles (nm) south-west of Kroonstad Aerodrome, Free State1450ZS-BGLDownload 424 kb
Preliminary Reports1 January 2025PiperRWY 22 Kirkwood Airstrip, Eastern CapeZS-LUGZS-LUGDownload 835 kb
202323 NovemberPiper, PA 28-1801.3 NM from Runway 03 threshold of Vereeniging Airport, Gauteng10392ZS-CZRDownload 1378 kb
202424 OctoberCessna; 310QLeft of Runway 29 at Secunda Aerodrome, Mpumalanga10523ZS-IIIDownload 2896 kb
202410 OctoberAirplane Factory; Sling 4 High WingPrivate Farm Airstrip, Vrede, Free State10515ZU-KFJDownload 768 kb
202418 OctoberHoffmann Flugzeugbau GMBH; Dimona H36 Motor GliderOpen field, 12 nautical miles from Beaufort West Airport, Western Cape1456ZS-SKXDownload 486 kb
202424 FebruaryL39C AlbatrosMiddleburg Airfield, Mpumalanga10426ZU-IBNDownload 949 kb
202428 SeptemberPiper; Cherokee PA-28-181Left of Runway 32 at Middleburg Airfield, Mpumalanga10505ZS-JUADownload 516 kb
202420 NovemberCessna; T188CLeft of Runway 07 at Kroonstad Aerodrome, Free State10529ZS-OSUDownload 676 kb
20246 OctoberCessna; C172POn Runway 13 at Baragwanath Airfield, Gauteng10508ZS-OBDDownload 630 kb
202416 OctoberCessna; C172M SkyhawkRunway 06 at Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauten10517ZS-SUJDownload 550 kb
20246 AugustCessna 150On Runway 05 at Cape Winelands Aerodrome, Western Cape10475ZS-PUWDownload 496 kb
202429 OctoberPiper; PA-28-1803.7 kilometres north-east of Reitz Airfield, Free State1459ZS-WHVDownload 522 kb
202426 NovemberRobinson R44; Raven II (Open field with tall grass, Free State10530ZS-RZKDownload 695 kb
20248 OctoberAirplane Factory; Sling 2;Runway (RWY) 07 at Thabazimbi Aerodrome, Limpopo10510ZU-TAEDownload 892 kb
20247 AugustShadow Lite; Jabiru J430During the landing roll on Runway 27 at Rhino Park Airfield, Gauteng10476ZU-NEEDownload 1463 kb
202417 OctoberSling 2Beachwood Golf Course, 0.7 nautical miles from the Virginia Airport, KwaZulu-Natal10519ZU-IDVDownload 581 kb
202424 NovemberSolo Wings; Windlass Aquilla TrikeDuring the climb after take-off from Ballito Microlight Airfield, Runway 18, KwaZulu-Natal1461ZU-BUIDownload 396 kb
202420 SeptemberSolo Wings; Windlass AquillaTzaneen Dam shore, Limpopo1455ZU-CLXDownload 324 kb
202410 OctoberBeech Aircraft Corporation; 58Left of the N5 Road between Senekal and Winburg, Free State10514ZS-MCYDownload 1763 kb
202430 OctoberCessna; C172ESymphony Nature Reserve, Western Cape10521ZS-DVYDownload 595 kb
202429 AugustAeropraktDuring approach for landing on Runway 19 at Stellenbosch Airfield, Western Cape10483ZU-MAPDownload 462 kb
20243 SeptemberCessna 172FRun-up bay near Runway 29 at Wonderboom Aerodrome, Gauteng10487ZS-EADDownload 623 kb

Occurrence Reports

Aircraft Occurence Statistics 2018-20202020Download 493 kb
Aircraft Occurrence Statistics For The Financial Years 2016-20192019Download 493 kb
Aircraft Occurrences For The Period April 2016 To September 20182018Download 474 kb
January 20172017Download 168 kb
February 20172017Download 168 kb
March 20172017Download 188 kb
April 20172017Download 183 kb
May 20172017Download 129 kb
June 20172017Download 111 kb
August 20172017Download 175 kb
July 20172017Download 170 kb
September 20172017Download 180 kb
October 20172017Download 188 kb
November 20172017Download 195 kb
December 20172017Download 136 kb
January 20182018Download 208 kb
February 20182018Download 216 kb
March 20182018Download 137 kb
April 20182018Download 211 kb
May 20182018Download 143 kb
June 20182018Download 134 kb
July 20182018Download 106 kb
August 20182018Download 120 kb
September 20182018Download 187 kb
October 20182018Download 204 kb
November 20182018Download 205 kb
December 20182018Download 109 kb
January 20192019Download 117 kb
February 20192019Download 185 kb
March 20192019Download 214 kb
April 20192019Download 287 kb
May 20192019Download 134 kb
July 20192019Download 152 kb
August 20192019Download 154 kb
June 20192019Download 136 kb
September 20192019Download 139 kb
October 20192019Download 165 kb
November 20192019Download 138 kb
December 20192019Download 158 kb
January 20202020Download 148 kb
February 20202020Download 142 kb
March 20202020Download 142 kb
May 20202020Download 120 kb
June 20202020Download 137 kb
July 20202020Download 131 kb
August 20202020Download 174 kb
September 20202020Download 147 kb
October 20202020Download 115 kb
December 20202020Download 117 kb
November 20202020Download 58 kb
Janaury 20212021Download 150 kb
February 20212021Download 135 kb
March 20212021Download 135 kb
April 20212021Download 174 kb
May 20212021Download 204 kb
June 20212021Download 187 kb
July 20212021Download 198 kb
August 20212021Download 222 kb
September 20212021Download 206 kb
October 20212021Download 224 kb
November 20212021Download 268 kb
December 20212021Download 234 kb
January 20222022Download 244 kb
February 20222022Download 262 kb
March 20222022Download 187 kb
April 20222022Download 202 kb
May 20222022Download 201 kb
June 20222022Download 201 kb
August 20222022Download 210 kb
October 20222022Download 224 kb
July 20222022Download 216 kb
November 20222022Download 202 kb
December 20222022Download 180 kb
January 20232023Download 238 kb
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November 20242024Download
December 20242024Download
January 20252025Download
Graphs – Accidents And Serious Incidents For The Financial Year 2016-20172017Download 512 kb
Graphs – Accidents And Serious Incidents For The Financial Year 2017-20182018Download 279 kb
Monthly Accidents And Serious Incidents Statistics Apri 2019 – September 20212021Download 310 kb

Confidential Aviation Hazard Reporting System

The Confidential Aviation Hazard Reporting System provides a means for all to report hazards within our aviation industry, on the ground or in the air, whether real or perceived, before there is a loss of life, injury or damage.  To learn more or to submit a CAHRS report, click here or contact:

Soomesh Maharaj
Manager: Safety Information