Designated Examiners
Designated Flight Examiners
A full list of compliant DFE’s and their qualifications can be accessed in the e-Services section of this website.
Cabin Designated Examiners
For a list of Cabin Crew Examiners, click here.
Cabin Safety Examiner Designation
As from 1 October 2022, all cabin designated examiners will be designated in such a way that their designation aligns with their SEPT expiry dates. The designation will also reflect on their licenses instead of being issued as a certificate (except for initial designations and restricted firefighting examiners).
Due to the limitations on the web portal for licenses, any restrictions applicable to the designation can currently not be reflected. For this reason, a ‘grading’ system will be applied and the different levels will be reflected as follows:
Limitation/Restriction | Designation indicated on the license |
No Limitation/Restriction (NIL) | Cabin Designated Examiner |
No Live Firefighting | Cabin Designated Examiner 1 |
No Wet Ditching | Cabin Designated Examiner 2 |
No Life Firefighting and Wet Ditching | Cabin Designated Examiner 3 |
Should you have any queries in this regard, kindly email Danette Sevenster at or Rowlene Jantjes at
Radiotelephony Examiners
For a list of Radiotelephony Examiners, click here.
Remote Pilot Examiners
For a list of Remote Pilot Examiners, click here.
Air Traffic Services Examiners
For a list of Air Traffic Services Examiners, click here.
Engineering Designated Examiners
For a list of Engineering Designated Examiners, click here.
Cabin Crew Instructors
Find the list of Cabin Crew Instructors by clicking here.
Conferences: Designated Flight Examiners and Flight Instructors
Designated Flight Examiner Conferences
- The SACAA will be hosting conferences for DFEs during the 2025/2026 conference cycle.
- DFE Conference venues will be communicated once approved.
- These conferences aim to meet the SACAR 61.26 requirements for DFE re-designation.
- A conference session will consist of three 1h30 minutes long presentations.
- The SACAA retains the right to cancel a Conference session.
Terms and conditions
- Conference session is limited to 20 delegates.
- The booking system for a Conference session automatically closed 2 days before the date of the event and when the above attendance limit is reached.
- The conference session will start at 09:00 am.
- Attendance for the full duration of the event is mandatory. In the case of an attendee attending a partial session only, this will be regarded as non-attendance.
- Not attending a conference without a valid excuse to SACAA Manager Personnel Licensing will make the candidate responsible for the conference fee for future conferences.
Bookings for the up-and-coming events please reserve with this link: Events 2025/2026.
2025 DFE Conference Schedules:
Conference | Date | Time | Venue |
DFE Conference | 14 May 2025 | 09:00 to 15:30 | SACAA |
DFE Conference | 11 June 2025 | 09:00 to 15:30 | SACAA |
DFE Conference | 09 July 2025 | 09:00 to 15:30 | Durban, TBN |
DFE Conference | 13 Augustus 2025 | 09:00 to 15:30 | SACAA |
DFE Conference | 17 September 2025 | 09:00 to 15:30 | Port Elizabeth, TBN |
DFE Conference | 08 October 2025 | 09:00 to 15:30 | SACAA |
DFE Conference | 12 November 2025 | 09:00 to 15:30 | SACAA Cape Town |
DFE Conference | 11 February 2026 | 09:00 to 15:30 | SACAA |
DFE Conference | 11 March 2026 | 09:00 to 15:30 | SACAA |
Designated Flight Examiner Assessment Course
- Jan 2025 – 21st and 22nd and 23rd
- May 2025 – 20th and 21st and 22nd
- September 2025 – 9th and 10th and 11th
Main Boardroom, Building 1, Ikhaya Lokundiza, Building 16, Treur Close, Waterfall Park, Bekker Street, Midrand
0830 to 1630
Please note
- Please note that the assessment course runs over a period of three days.
- Kindly RSVP to
- The SACAA retains the right to cancel an Assessment Course session.
- Please note bookings for this assessment course will close two weeks before the course.
Flight Instructor Seminars
- The SACAA will be hosting Webinars in lieu of the conferences for Flight Instructors (FI’s) as indicated below.
- The aim of these Webinars is to satisfy the requirements of the SACAR 61 regarding the revalidation of flight instructor ratings.
- The delegates will access the link on the SACAA webpage for the preferred webinar date. This will give you access to the registration form. Once completed a link will be sent to your email address.
- A Webinar session will consist of three 20 minutes long presentations, each followed by a 5 minute short Q&A session.
- Attendance conformation will be provided to each delegate after each Webinar session if He/she complies to the Terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions
- A Webinar session is limited to 100 delegates.
- The booking system for a Webinar session is automatically closed 2 days prior to the date of the event and when the above attendance limit is reached.
- Flight Instructor Webinar sessions will start at 10am and close at 11:30pm.
- The delegates are required to login at least 10 to 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the Webinar session. Late logging in and premature logging out will result in a non-attendance status of the delegate.
- Delegates are required to attend the Webinar in full.
- It is the delegate’s responsibility to insure stable internet connection for the entire duration of the Webinar session.
- In the case of a cancellation, the delegate is required to immediately notify the PEL department.
- SACAA will not accept screen shots, photos or email as proof of attendance.
Interaction with presenters:
- Verbal interaction will be allowed in the Q&A sessions for during the Webinar session.
- Delegates will be given the opportunity to ask questions and/or provide input by using the chat facility during each presentation.
- The presenter will be given 5 minutes to answer selected questions after each presentation.
- Before closure of the Webinar session, further questions will be answered for a period of 10 minutes.
- Please do NOT use a Hotmail email address to register
- If you cannot logon to the FI webinar, please re register with another email address, you will then automatically receive another link to enter the webinar.
All bookings must be made using the following links indicated as below for your chosen webinar session:
28 January 2025 | |
25 March 2025 | |
27 May 2025 | |
29 July 2025 | |
30 September 2025 | |
25 November 2025 | |
27 January 2026 | |
31 March 2026 |
The SACAA retains the right to cancel a Webinar session.
Conferences: Cabin Crew Instructors and Designated Examiners
Cabin Designated Examiner (CDE) and Cabin Instructor Conferences
The SACAA will be hosting conferences for CDEs and for Cabin Crew Instructors as indicated below.
- The aim of these conferences is to update CDE’s and Cabin Instructors on the requirements of Part 64 and to facilitate discussion that will lead to the adherence to and raising of training and testing standards.
- All CDEs and accredited cabin crew instructors and are required to attend one conference annually as part of their redesignation requirement.
- A maximum of 20 attendees will be accepted per conference.
- Bookings will be confirmed on a first-come first-served basis.
- The SACAA retains the right to cancel a conference in the event of insufficient bookings.
- A return email from TSO, Rowlene Jantjes, will confirm your seat.
Bookings, Enquires and Cancellations
Please submit your booking via email and include the following information:
Date of conference, Name and surname, Email address, Cellphone number.
Bookings can be made to Rowlene Jantjes, .
09h00 – 16h00
2025 Dates
- 24 July – Gauteng
- 07 August – Gauteng
- 21 August – Gauteng
- 11 September – Cape Town
- 18 September – Gauteng
- 02 October – Gauteng
- 16 October – Gauteng
Flight Instructor Guides
Name | File |
South African Flight Instructors Training Procedures (proposed Version) | Download 1667 kb |
Australian Flight Instructor Manual | Download 2033 kb |
Canadian Flight Instructor Manual | Download 1029 kb |
FAA Aviation Instructor’s Handbook | Download 17237 kb |
New Zealand Flight Instructor’s Guide | Download 1940 kb |
Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual | Download 4050 kb |
Useful Information for Pilots
- TGM for Designated Flight Examiners and Oversights
- TGM for the Development and Revision of Examinations and Test Items
- TGM for Part 101 – Personnel Licensing
- Teaching Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) and Single Pilot Resource Management (SRM)
- Theoretical Knowledge Examination Validity Summary
- Line Orientation Flight Training Guide
- SACAA Type Rating and License Endorsement List
Useful Information for Cabin Crew
- Technical Guidance for Cabin Designated Examiners and Oversight
- Technical Guidance for Cabin Crew Instructors and Oversight
Exam Prep Days
- February 13
- April 10
- August 14
- November 06
Initial Cabin Drew Instructor Examinations
- March 12
- May 07
- September 03
- December 03
Initial Cabin Designated Examiner Interviews
- March 13
- May 08
- September 04
- December 04
For any queries and to confirm attendance please email Danette Sevenster at
Annual CCI / CDE Conferences
- July 24 – Gauteng
- August 07 – Gauteng
- August 22 – Gauteng
- September 11 – Cape Town
- September 18 – Gauteng
- October 02 – Gauteng
- October 16 – Gauteng
Space is limited to 20 people per conference. We would appreciate if people from one ATO would not all attend the same conference and would, instead, spread their attendance over the various conference dates available, with the exception of Cape Town.
We will also be limiting the number of CCIs and CDEs at each conference to ensure a more even spread of experience and status.
For any queries and to confirm attendance please email Rowlene Jantjies at
Useful Information for Air Traffic Service Examiners
- To view Technical Guidance Material for ATS Designated Examiners and Oversight, click here.
- Click here to access the Air Traffic Services Designated Examiners Handbook
Useful Information for Engineering Designated Examiners
Useful Documents
- TGM for Engineer Designated Examiner and Oversight
- CA 66-10 – Application for appointment as EDE
- CA 66-12 – Competency check report for aircraft maintenance engineer Licence
EDE Conferences
For more information, please contact
To listen to the recording of the conference held on 3 August, click here.